Batteries Got Exhausted in Few Seconds

I am building myself a simple robot car.

Simply, an A10 Olinuxino board  (my first false start because of the hard work of interfacing the ultrasmall 0.05'' pins header) interfaced with a Pololu Dual Motor Driver (

To move forward, backward, left an right, I use a simple Web Interface which sends Ajax commands to a Python Web Server I wrote.

For example, to move forward, I write 0 and 1 to GPIO 3 and GPIO 2 respectively. The motors spin, but after few seconds the batteries seem exhausted. 

I am using 4 1.5 NiMh 4800mAh batteries which drive the motor part of the Pololu. The A10 board has its own power supply.

Does anybody know what is the root of the problem?


4800mAh batteries

Please post part number for battery.


I bought the batteris in a

I bought the batteris in a local store. They are, as written on the metal label, “GodP AA Ni-Mh 1.2V”.


AA Batteries

NiMh are nominal 1.2V. I typically see 1.35 when freshly charged. The 4800mAh sounds like Chinese specs. See:

for some hints. 

Hello, I think the problem

Hello, I think the problem is with the battery. Getting a good quality battery should not be too much of a hassle. I usually get mine online from WIN SOURCE . Their products are always genuine. You just need to order online and you are good to go. Check here >>>>>