Hi, I am a new member, I currently make hexapod robot for final project at my college, I already control a hexapod with PS2 and static balance with use accelerate and gyro ( MPU6050) to balance body, but I want my hexapod balance while walking? (dynamic balance). I appreciate for anyone help. Sr for my english bad.
Hexapods normally use a tripod gait, which is already stable. You’ve already added a gyro and mpu?
Maybe I’m not good english,thank you for your reply,I’m not use phoenix code,I build code on my own,I mean how can I create “[font=Roboto, arial, sans-serif][highlight=#ffffff]Phoenix walking in different balancing modes” something like video?[/highlight][/font]
[highlight=#ffffff][font=Roboto, arial, sans-serif]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72MY5GuHSpA.[/font][/highlight]
Creating an 18DoF walking gait from scratch is quite time consuming. The robot in the video is actually commercially available:
We had been creating different colors, but since black was by far the most popular, we discontinued the others.
This uses the Phoenix walking algorithm.