'Axe as RC speed controller

Would it be possible to connect the output from a RC reciever to the digital input of a pcaxe 28x1 board and controll the motor outputs?

Of course it's doable, that's not really the question. But does anybody have any thought regarding it? Has anybody done it? I presume the signal out from the RC reciever is a standard Servo-signal. I know CtCpassed a signal from a RC reciever through his 28x1, but I don't wanna controll servos,I wanna controll a couple of DC motors.


I don’t see any
I don’t see any complications to it. I know there is a command to measure the lenght of the incoming pulse, you could use that to get the signal and control your DC motors accordingly.

picaxe inline between RC receiver and actuator
something like this?

It would seem pretty simple
It would seem pretty simple to do, you just want to make sure you have some sort of motor driver that can handle the output to the motors.


First, be sure you are sharing a ground between the two. The data line of the servo-out on the RC unit goes into a digital input of the picaxe. You use the pulsin command, and you will end up with a number in a regular ol’ variable. Use this number for what ever you want. When I first descovered you could do this, I used the incoming signal to control the PWM output as a test.



So, I can somehow run a pwm

So, I can somehow run a pwm signals on out4 for the first half of the joysticks movement. Then on out5 for the second half. And by plugging in a L293D I could, hook up a motor in Motorconnections A, and get a normal RC speed controller beaviour?

That sounds like a thing that could be useful

you just have to mix X and Y on the joystick…

Here is the link to my issues on the subject.

Here is the picaxe code to go from a (2) up-down joysticks to one up-down / R-L joystick when controlling 2 motors (one on each side)

This comes from robologist as a comment in the post above:

Take that values from the joystick as it sits, up-down axis called Y with values given from 75 bottom to 225 top, right-left values called axis X with 225 left, 75 right.

X 225 <> 75 Joystick

PWM values for left and right wheels can then be calculated from formulas :

L_PWM = (Y - X) + 150

R_PWM = (Y+ X) - 150

Evaluation of calculated output :

Direction (Y,X) :
Full Fwd (225,150): L_PWM = (225 - 150) + 150 = 225, R_PWM = (225 + 150) - 150 = 225
Full Rev (75,150) : L_PWM = (75 - 150) + 150 = 75, R_PWM = (75 + 150) - 150 = 75
spin CW (150,225): L_PWM = (150 - 225) + 150 = 75, R_PWM = (150 + 225) - 150 = 225
spin CCW (150,75): L_PWM = (150 - 75) + 150 = 225, R_PWM = (150 + 75) - 150 = 75

curve forward left (205,205): L_PWM = (205 - 205) + 150 = 150, R_PWM = (205 + 205) - 150 = 260, out of range
curve forward right (205,95): L_PWM = (205 - 95) + 150 = 260 out of range, R_PWM = (205 + 95) - 150 = 150

curve back left (95,205): L_PWM = (95 - 205) + 150 = 40 out of range, R_PWM = (95 + 205) - 150 = 150
curve back right (95,95): L_PWM = (95 - 95) + 150 = 150, R_PWM = (95 + 95) - 150 = 40 out of range

Might be needed to limit max and min range values for PWM output.


Thanks a lot, I bought a remote with a mixing function. It was the cheapest anyway.