Hi all, I’m pabloxid from Uruguay. This is my first post, maybe you have seen me in other robotic forums, where I was also showing my work.
I want to show my latest robot, it’s an hexapod made ​​with 18 AX-12 motors and an Arduino board. (Before this I had made ​​another hexapod, but it was very basic).
In the video itself you will find a description of it, but I’m preparing a more extensive documentation on my site (pablogindel.com).
The Arduino is a Mega, with ATmega1280 inside. To communicate with the AX-12 servos, we developed an AX-12 Arduino library, which was, in the beginning, a version of the Arbotix one. From a hardware viewpoint, it simply uses ATmega’s USART interface, at 1Mb/s baudrate.