Avrdude: verification error


I have the Rover V2, RB-Dfr-130. Purchased 20 Aug 2012 under Bid #10788

The board has stopped accepting uploads, returning the following message:

"avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000 0x0c != 0x00
 avrdude: verification error; content mismatch"

This message is received for all code uploads, simple (Blank.ino) to complex.
Different USB ports have been tried without success
Different USB cables have been tried without success
Batteries are fresh, charge level verified

Prior to receiving this error, uploads and by-directional communications through USB and WPM was functioning well.

All the web forums found so far, the discussion ends without resolution

Your assistance is appreciated.

Robert Dean

HI Coleman

I have verified that the “Uno Arduino” board is selected.

The same code uploads successfully to a V1.5 Rover board.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best Regards
Robert Dean

I am not sure that this will help… But the symptoms below have a interesting origin.

"avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000 0x0c != 0x00
 avrdude: verification error; content mismatch"

What is frequently happening is that the upload didn’t work at all (for various reasons) and the subsequent verification fails. The way AVRDUDE works is that it does all of the upload work first, and then does the verification second. The upload process doesn’t appear to have any checks built-in. If every part of the upload fails, you won’t know anything about it at this stage. Of course, the verification will fail. If the new upload is only slightly different than the old upload the first mismatch can be far into the flash (not at offset 0x0000).

Why can upload fail? Many reasons of course. I have had good results using the ‘Arduino as ISP’ approach to uploading sketches. This approach does not use the bootloader at all. That’s important when you can’t trust the bootloader. Note that you MUST use the ‘Upload Using Programmer’ command from the file menu and not the normal upload button.

You can reinstall the bootloader using the ‘Arduino as ISP’ approach. This does require a separate Arduino loaded with the ArduinoISP sketch (it’s one of the standard examples). See arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoISP and forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,45941.0.html for some useful information.

Double check that you have the right board selected (based on the error it does not recognize that it’s connected to an Arduino Uno). Contact us via the support center and we’ll look into an exchange.

You need to connect to the 2x3 pin headers in order to reinstall the bootloader - an AVR programmer works best such as RB-Dfr-127.

It certainly sounds like an issue with the COM port and/or board type. Can you uninstall the Uno drivers and then reinstall them? Also, be sure you still have the right board type selected (Uno) and the right COM port selected. Last, if that does not work, disconnect the board completely (nothing connected at all except the USB cable) and try again.

Are you certain you downloaded the new ATMel drivers? The V1.5 used an FTDI chip whereas the V2 uses the new ATMel chip. If you have the correct drivers for the Uno, please contact us via the support center.

Hi Coleman

Thank you for the quick follow up.

I have attempted each of your suggestions with out success. The error message remained the same.

I should add that the Pwr led is on, Rx, Tx, and L leds flash during the upload activity.

Robert Dean