Hello, since 1 month, i try to upload a simple sketch on my DFRobotshop Rover V2. I tried the “wasd keyboard”, “full speed”, “blink”, and a empty program.
]Did you manually install the Arduino Uno drivers? Your computer will not handle this for you, it needs to be done manually: arduino.cc/en/Guide/Windows#toc4/:m] ]Once you have the Arduino IDE open, you need to select the right COM port and board type (Arduino Uno)/:m] ]Ensure you copied the code completely/:m] ]Press verify and confirm you don’t have any errors/:m] ]Press upload./:m]
Hope this helps,
Hello, thanks for your reply. I did every steps, but it still say me this error. I had unistalled and then Install the drivers for this board like you asked me to do.
If you are certain to have followed all steps, the only thing left is that perhaps the board’s firmware was not flashed correctly.
Can you confirm that the board is detected and shows up as COM port?
Which operating system are you using and how are you powering the board?
I confirm the board is detected and she is on the COM 5.
I use Windows 7 and the board is powered with a Lithium battery 7.4V. When i put this battery and switch ON the robot, this one go forward/backward continuously. And i can’t even upload this sketch…
That’s odd because the forward / backward motion is the test program used to confirm that the board works properly.
If you’re using a 7.4V LiPo, be sure to remove the LiPo jumper at the left rear of the board.
Can you disconnect the battery and use a different USB port on the same computer?
So, I changed USB port and for all of them I can’t upload. But there is a change because when I try to upload it take more time than before (like 20 scd) and then the message appears. And I’ve removed the LiPo jumper as you said.
Before we proceed with an exchange, can you provide a clear image of the top of the board so we can see all connections?
Can you uninstall the driver and reinstall it?
That can certainly be the issue. Remove the XBee module and you should be able to upload.
If you want to upload a sketch to the Arduino with the XBee module in place, you need to set the XBee switch to the EMPTY slot.
If you have an XBee (or other module) in place, it takes up the serial lines and prevents you from uploading.
The easiest approach is to simply remove the XBee module, upload the code, and then put it back.
The other approach depends on your setup. Can you please post an image?
hello, so I removed the xbee module and now I can upload the code. Thanks you so much for your help !
I’ve another question, can you explain me how to make the robot turn right or left ? because when I put :
analogWrite (E1,255);
analogWrite (E2,0);
the robot can move forward, i hope you have an issues for that. Thanks you !
The code you wrote has both motors working forward (M1 and M2). You can either have M1 move forward and M2 stop, M1 move forward and M2 move in reverse, or vice-versa.
Good info, now I have one for you all. ]I have the Rover kit from 2 years ago, my son built but wasn’t ready to program. It would connect to the IDE back then so that I could upload a baseline configuration. It would also report back the sensor inputs via the serial monitor./:m] ]Now he is almost 12, and going to STEM camps, and wants to get back into the rover, use some of the other sensors we have, etc./:m] ]Rover shows up on my laptop and his as USB Serial Port and not the Uno board. however, the serial monitor still reports accurately. But upon uploading, we get the same error in this thread. Clearly the board is good, and some of the comm is working correctly. There is nothing connected to any of the pins, and the unit has been in a safe, secure box and location, so it is not damaged./:m] ]My other actual UNO board (not a rover kit) works just fine, and shows up in my device manager correctly, and I can communicate with it no issues./:m]
Looking for guidance.
It is possible that the one from two years ago is not based on the Uno but rather the Duemilanove. Behind the USB port (half an inch away) there is a chip - does it say FTDI or ATMEL?
If you’re not sure, can you upload a clear image of the PCB?
Correct. The Uno uses an Atmel chip to convert USB to serial, whereas the Duemilanover design used an FTDI.
The main processor is the same, and we are not sure why they opted for an Atmel chip qhich requires the user to manually install the drivers.