Avoidance Robot Car

hey guys

just made my first robot

needs more work done to it

hope you like it

parts :


the Main Chassis  

Two motor Carrier Bracket 

One Steering Front up-right With Hole Milled Out to Fit a Distance Sensor eels Attatched

One Motor With twin Drive 

Two Drive Wheels one Either Side of Motor To improve Stability

One  Servo Connects Main Chassis To Front Steering Upright

One Battery Case Holding 4 x AA With PP3 Style Connector to allow easy removal of battery pack without disturbing wiring this is to power motor drive shield only.

2 x PP3 Connectors

One HC-SR04 dIstance sensor

One motor drive/servo drive board will drive up to 4 motors and 2 servos

Set of Headers

Quality Different color hook up wires included

ALL Screws etc included


1 motor capacitor


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/avoidance-robot-car

good job :slight_smile:

good job :slight_smile:

