Availability of a box for stand-alone lss-ada board ? Or a CAD file for 3D-printing it?

Hello everyone!
I am interesting in using the Lynxmotion lss-ada board for controlling a servo.
I would like to put the lss-ada electronic board in a box. Is there a box available just for lss-ada ?
Or did somebody create a CAD file for 3D-printing one ?
Thanks a lot for your help !

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Hi Vianney,

We do not have one in fact but i’ve been looking at making one for a while.
Spent a part of the morning drawing one that could be useful for most people.

Doing a print test at the moment but here is what it looks like


Hi dialfonzo !
Thanks for the answer.
Nice box ! If you don’t mind to share your file, I would be very interested in trying to print it !

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Hi Vianney,

If you don’t mind testing it out, i’ve exported the casings in STL but removed the labeling since i don’t think it will print right.

LSS-ADA-Case-Bottom.STL (59.1 KB)
LSS-ADA-Case-Top.STL (111.4 KB)


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Hi Eric !
Thanks for the file !
A friend of mine advised me to print the box with sharper corners. He told me that the curvature radius of the edges is a bit high. It should be decreased for a proper printing.
Is it possible for your to export the files in .step format ? It would be easier for me to edit the 3D file.
Thanks a lot!

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I don’t see the issues with the rounder corners but i don’t mind sharing the STEP files so here they are.
My issues with printing is the fact that my printer only print with a “raft” and it’s kind of glued together after the print.

LSS-ADA-Case-V0.1.zip (117.5 KB)

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Thanks Eric, I will probably try to print it.

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Show us some pictures once you’re done :slight_smile:

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I agree with dialfonzo and I really think that it’s not a big deal with sharper or rounder edges…