Autonomous Tracked Vehicle with arm for Robotic Vision


Concept: My project consists on building an autonomous robot to tamper with robotic vision, pick and place objects and do trayectory planning though robotic vision.

I’m thinking of using as core components:
-Tri-track chassis
-AL5-B or D
-Botboarduino + a Motor controller
-FitPc with Matlab
-Cmucam on pan-tilt
-Lots of Batteries.

My first concern is weight, so i’ll start by aquiring everything but the Arm, so as to try things out first.
Which motor upgrade should i condider for the tri-track? I need torque over speed, just in case a push the weight limits.

My second concern is how to sort out and place the batteries.
I’ve been adviced to isolate the power sources for control electronics and servos/motors.
So, what batteries should i get?

I intended this first post to be short and general, i’ll go into specifics as I go. Please let my know opinions, concerns, i’m very open to advice, since this is my first aproach to robotics.

Very Bests

Julian Davis.

If you need to test for potential success of the project you described before spending a lot of $$$ for hardware, then get the above part working first. The mechanical part of the bot is fairly straight foward.