Hello fellow robot enthusiasts/experts,
My name is Michele (Michael) and I'm from Italy. I really appreciate all your efforts and creativity for the love of robotics! It's truly amazing to see all your projects.
I am writing here today because I was inspired by all these robots and decided to make one myself. I am a Software Engineer so I don't really see any issue in programming itself. I have used and programmed LEGO Mindstorms in the past so I do have a bit of experience, but my true weakness is the Electronics itself. I really don't understand that much about Volts, Watts, switches and whatsoever. Shame on me, because while I was still in school I did use all kinds of stuff to practice on Assembly 8086.
Well, enough of that. I bought an Arduino Uno Kit and 2 Ultrasound sensors to start practicing. I also bought 2 DIY Spider Kits (Klann Walker) because this mechanism seemed to me the best and most efficient way to go through different terrains with only 2 servos.
What I'd like to do with it is:
- Expand the batteries from 2 AA to 4 AA.
- Make it wander and avoid obstacles autonomously.
- Collect data and/OR capture images and send it back to me via WiFi.
- Ultimately, I would like to power it via Solar Power, making it search for light when batteries are running low.
- Tell it to move to a specific GPS coordinate.
Now, my question is: Am I looking too far beyond this little robot's capabilities?
I really don't know how much power such tasks would drain and I don't know the solar panel size required. I am also probably ignoring a lot of considerations (for example, if I need resistences, if everything works with the same voltage, if there is a risk of burning something without certain components) that you people with more experience could point out, so if you have any thoughts and/or opinions that could help me feel free to comment and write. I'm pretty sure most of these things I'll figure out myself while I keep advancing through this project, but for now I just need to know everything I can.