Autonomous or PS2 controlled Rover - which to buy?

I don’t quite understand the difference between the 2 rovers - the PS2 and the Autonomous rovers. I would like both, i.e., I would like to program my rover to run autonomously, but would like the capability to jump in with the PS2 controller and take control whenever I want.

Which kit should I buy, and what additional accessories do I need to make this happen?


Hi Hal,

A quick response as I am about to head out the door…

The kits are very similar and it would not be difficult to have one that does both. If it were me I would purchase the PS2 version:

plus 3 IR

Plus you will need batteries: You need both 12V and 6V. There are several options on these (I have 3 6v 2800mah batteries, 2 wired in series for 12V). You will need ways to charge these two sets of batteries. You may need an extra wiring harness to switch the two powers independantly.

Which ever way you go, they are a lot of fun.


Great, thanks for the quick reply

Would it be beneficial to purchase the BasicATOM-28 Development kit from Basic Micro?


I don’t know. However these kits come with the Basic Atom Pro, so I am not sure how much that kit would help. You can download all of the needed software (IDE) directly off of the Basic Micro web site.


Thanks again for all your help! I’ve ordered my Rover and accessories, and even sprang for 2-day shipping so as to get started right away!