I don’t quite understand the difference between the 2 rovers - the PS2 and the Autonomous rovers. I would like both, i.e., I would like to program my rover to run autonomously, but would like the capability to jump in with the PS2 controller and take control whenever I want.
Which kit should I buy, and what additional accessories do I need to make this happen?
Plus you will need batteries: You need both 12V and 6V. There are several options on these (I have 3 6v 2800mah batteries, 2 wired in series for 12V). You will need ways to charge these two sets of batteries. You may need an extra wiring harness to switch the two powers independantly.
I don’t know. However these kits come with the Basic Atom Pro, so I am not sure how much that kit would help. You can download all of the needed software (IDE) directly off of the Basic Micro web site.