Autonomous navigation strategy: how to move forward from basic to advanced?

Last week my Rover 5 completed his first tour in our living room avoiding obstacles / no bumping ;-).

The Rover has the following sensors / inputs:

·         2 x IR analog distance sensor (Sharp, 80 cm) - mounted @ front left and right corner

·         1 x Ultrasonic distance sensor (URM37) – mounted @ pan/tilt servo @ front center

·         1 x Tilt Compensated Compass (LSM 303 DLH)

·         1 x encoder @ Rover motor

I implemented a very basic algorithm:



Motor (forward)

ReadSensors (left, right, centre)

 If CentreDistance < 15 cm 

Then {

Motor (turn 160, right)



Else {

If LetDistance <= RightDistance

Then Motor (right)

Else Motor (left)


End // Repeat


I now want to improve navigation step by step, but I am uncertain about the approach? For the coming days I consider:

a.       Improve “If LetDistance <= RightDistance Then” because the Rover jitters when caught in a corner

b.      Extend the “Motor (turn 160, right)” code:

Motor (turn 180)

Motor (hold)

SweepPanServo (0, 180)

Read FrontSensor (each 10 degrees)

Store values (distance + degrees) @ array

Determine “largest free distance”

Direct Rover in that direction ([Motor (turn, angle] + checking compass heading)

 Is this the right way to proceed or should I choose another approach? Ultimately I want the Rover effortlessly find its way from one side of the room to the other side. Not hopping from one obstacle to another but "directly" from A to B. I also wants it to return to its initial position when the battery power is low. I've googled a few hours and among others found info about mapping, path finding, occupancy grid mapping,,, ....

How to go from here? Could you please share your thoughts, tips, suggestions and references with me.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Ko