Hi there, I’m brand new to the world of robotics and am hoping to find some guidance here! I’m looking to build a mini low profile (like a computer mouse) autonomous hexapod.
What I’d like it to do:
- Be autonomous
- Have an edge sensor
- Maybe have 2 different styles of movement (ie. legs dragging, legs doing staccato like movements)
I have a few questions:
- What is the best and easiest beginner program (Arduino?) for me to use to do this?
- Can I use a USB charge instead of batteries?
All suggestions/advice would be much appreciated!!
Thank you,
Hello @Newbie2019 
That sounds nice! You should definitely check out the Robots section, there are lots of hexapods projects in there where you can find some inspiration and maybe reach out to the developers for some help https://community.robotshop.com/robots/search?q=hexapod&page=1
Also if you are a beginner I would suggest you look at this tutorial https://community.robotshop.com/tutorials/series/how-to-make-a-robot
About the microcontroller which is the brain of the robot, an Arduino is a great option! there are lots of code examples and tutorials on the internet and many projects use it so you can check them for some guidance.
I hope that info can help you out and if you have more questions feel free to ask