Autonomous FireBot

Project Design: Fire-bot is based on five parts:

(i) PIC Development Board:PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller) (18F2550) is used for interfacing along with crystal oscillator, SIL connectors and crimp-shell.

(ii) Fire Sensor Board: Three infra-red diodes are used for detecting flame with one LDR and two LM339 comparators.

(iii) Motor Driver Board: 16 pin IC (L293D) is used as motor driving as and 2 DC geared motors are used.

(iv) Obstacle Avoider Board: 2 infra-red emitters and receivers (TSOP 1738) are used. Besides this 555 timer IC is used to provide modulated frequency.

(v) Fan motor driver Board: Opto-Isolator (EL817) is used with Darlington Transistor to switch on trigger circuit.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

How on earth? I have just

How on earth? I have just completed my own firefighting robot and it probably has an almost identical program as yours. Alien conspiracy…

Nice one.I will later

Nice one.

I will later upgrade my one to better sensors like UV tron or Pyroelectric, a bigger car and CO2 cylinder for extinguishing contoller with DC gas valve.