Good afternoon all,
I bought a Autonomous Rover kit a number of years back with the BotBoard 2, but never got around to setting it up. I’m debating on not using the Atom micro controller and just setting it up with an Arduino or BotBoarduino.
Has anyone had any luck using a Arduino Uno with the Sabertooth motor controller or will I have to pick up the BotBoarduino?
Thank you for the help, I’m actually looking for the pinout from the Sabertooth dual 12A motor driver for R/C to the Uno. I have a feeling that I may need to use a servo shield to handle the default wiring on the motor controller.
Sabertooth dual 12A motor driver for R/C
What exact pinout are you looking for?
Everything should be written on the board.
@pjutras thanks for your reply, but I “sort of” resolved this by purchasing the BotBoarduino and waiting on the delivery of a new Sabertooth.