Is there any reason I cannot have Brat automonous robot that also has the capability of ps2 control? I have an automonous Brat now and I think all I’d have to get is the ps2 controller (rc-01), the ps2 controller cable (ps2c-01), and the ps2 wireless controller receiver (ps2r-01). Is this correct? Would I also need the ps2 controller cable kit (ps2dyi-kt)?
I also ordered the parts I think are necessary to add arms to my Brat like was done in this post here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5002
I’m not sure I ordered all of the right parts, i.e. micro brackets, etc. I don’t suppose there is a list floating around on how to do this and what parts are needed, or maybe even a tutorial, is there? I tried to figure out what I needed just by looking at the pictures and reading the post!
If you are refering to the reciever you would plug into a playstation if you were going to use the controler to play a video game then I believe that is the wireless receiver.
No, I was trying to figure out the part that goes on the bot itself to receive the signals from the wireless (hand) controller, if I understand how it works that is! Maybe it sounds weird, but I was hoping to be able to switch back and forth between autonomous mode and ps2 controller mode, or if it is even possible!