Automated watering

Hey everybody. Im new like first day to automated watering.
Im wondering if i want a system that can read soil moisture and when it drops to a certain % open a valve and turn a pump on to water that zone only?

Id like this to happen all automatically.

Im not sure all the parts i would need or what gateway to use.

Also is there some sort of viewing screen so i dont have to be on just my cell or my laptop?

Can anyone help? Is that even possible?

Thank you!

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Hi @Jer and welcome to our forum!

What you are describing should be possible. I guess you can find many DIY projects online. If you want to make it on your own, here are the parts you will need:

Soil Moisture Sensors:


  • RobotShop does not specifically sell irrigation controllers, but you can find compatible microcontrollers or programmable logic controllers (PLCs) that can be used for this purpose. Popular options include Arduino and Raspberry Pi.


  • RobotShop offers various solenoid valves and motorized ball valves that can be controlled electronically to manage water flow.


  • Depending on your needs, you can find different types of water pumps at RobotShop, such as submersible pumps, centrifugal pumps, and peristaltic pumps.

Gateway (Optional):

  • You can use a Raspberry Pi or similar device as a gateway to connect your system to the internet. RobotShop offers various models of Raspberry Pi and accessories.

Please note that RobotShop may not carry all the specific components you need for a complete irrigation system. You may need to source some parts from other retailers or consider DIY options for the controller.