Automated Knife Sharpener with Arduino

Two servo and drawer slide project to automate knife sharpening. Not really using this for this purpose, it was just to see what sort of problems I might encounter.

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Nice idea :slight_smile: Did you check if the knife is actually sharper after this process?

Haha. Actually, I couldn’t really tell. Mostly I set it up to video just to get the project off our dining room table. Once I make the videos I often tear them apart right away for my next little idea. The knife is sharp but it may have already been sharp to start with.
I saw that a commercial sharpener uses a microscope and other sensors to ensure the knife gets sharp. Beyond my skills.

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Yeah, the microscope is too much :smiley:

I thought you maybe took a knife that is really not sharp, then test how much time it needs with your robot to became sharp once again :smiley:

This does not bode well for when robots try to take over humanity. Thanks a lot.