Automata Pilgrim 7000-like robot head

     UPDATE @ December 6, 2015

     Just finished the painting details.


     The servo motors are TowerPro MG995, controlled by an Arduino board (simple servo "sweep" sequences).







     UPDATE @ November 28, 2015

     Hello guys!

     Just mounted today the servo motors and made a simple code... and here is (see the video)!!!







     UPDATE @ November 22, 2015

     Hi guys!

     Just finished the aesthetic parts of the head. See below.


     Mouth and ears grills made with toothpicks.


     The paint job is almost done.


     I also made the stand.


     To do next: finish painting details; attach servos and electronics; LED eyes.





     UPDATE @ October 24, 2015 (part 2)

     Hello guys!

     I have just finished the covering of the head with the polystyrene (high impact polystyrene) pieces.


     I still have a lot of work to do!


     Note: The updates will be at the top of the page, so the newest video will be also.





     FIRST POST @ October 15, 2015 (part 1)

     As I said before: "Movies can be a great source of inspiration for our projects."

     Well... I keep watching movies, so I keep inspiring me. I'd better stop watching movies... I'm wanting to make all I see! heheh

     The movie was Automata [1] (check out the trailer I haven't watched the whole movie, so I don't have much to say about it. But a robot really inspired me...


     The next day I started thinking how I would make that head. I thought to start with Pepakura because I figured it would be easy to find an ideal head model to work with. Indeed, I easily found a good model after some Googling [2].

     It looked good because it don't have ears, mouth, eyes, nose... and appears to have the ideal format.


     As I just need the top of the head, I set some cutoffs and the eyes.


     With a Christmas tree ball cut in half I made the cavities of the eyes. Put it in place with hot glue.

     Sebastian highly involved in this project. :)


     Fiberglass time!


     Body filler time!


     And here is how it looks after body filler, sanding, body filler, sanding, spray primer.


     The head is formed by multiple small segments. First I thought to carve them in the body filler. I ended up deciding to make them with polystyrene (high impact polystyrene) pieces.

     I initially drew the segments directly in the head, based on some images from web and movie scenes.


     I used hot iron to bend/mold the pieces. Attach them with instant adhesive.



     This project will be more artistic, but still robotics related... the obvious (it's a robot head, heheh), but also because it will make some movements with servo motors controlled by Arduino.

     I intend to make it mimic the movements of my head, but without face tracking or something similar... just with Arduino and some sensors... let's see...




     1. Those who intend to work with fiberglass should use appropriate personal protective equipment.

     2. The video shows some more images and some more notes.




     1. - Automata (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

     2. - Helmet Base Pepakura by ikkakuro on DeviantArt

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Looks cool. Thanks for

Looks cool. Thanks for sharing the process.

so nice

hello i am fan always about your work

a nice idea to build this robot

i follow you




I’m fascinating by the number of parts you can assemble all together and making it look as one !

How many pieces of polystyrene will be glued on the head ?

I’m looking forward to see some more.

Thank you very much,

Thank you very much, hardmouse!

Thank you very much, amby!

Thank you very much, amby!

Thank you very much,

Thank you very much, fpictor!

There will be about 50 polystyrene segments to cover the head. So, a lot of work to do!


Really cool as always.

Thank you very much, Dannyv!

Thank you very much, Dannyv!

Dickel, your work just blows
Dickel, your work just blows my mind everytime I see it, great job.

Thank you very much,

Thank you very much, Lexisonfire!

I guess this weekend I’ll make a video of the head in action.


Bravo! It`s very amazing!

You are using Fiberglass for body? Could you provide a link on brand material?


Beautiful work.  Excellent paint job.  Any plans for this head?

Thank you very much,

Thank you very much, RGoldvarg!

Yep, the “structure” is made out of fiberglass. I don’t remember the brand name of the fiberglass mat (and unfortunately I no longer have the original packaging). But it seems to be a very common material (I bought it on a local store here in Brazil).

Take a look at these:

Thank you very much,

Thank you very much, Martin!

Still need paint the “lines” between the segments.

No big plans for this head now, my friend… All this work was motivated to test some “artistic techniques” and to practice the fiberglass work for the next project. :slight_smile:

This is such a fine detailed

This is such a fine detailed work, congrats!

Just added the pepakura and the fiber glass part to my ‘must-try’ list  :)

Wondering what will be the next plan for the head.

Thank you very much,

Thank you very much, guibot!

Pepakura and fiberglass are great to make 3D objects. I hope someday to have a 3D printer, but 'till I get one, I’ll be using DIY techniques like this.

I had more plans for this head in the beginning, but it ended up being too heavy (I’ve used too much body filler) and now, even using strong servo motors, the movements are difficult. It’s now more a cool stuff in the shelf of my lab. :slight_smile:

But the experience was good. I practiced the technique, which I intend to use in a project I’m planning.

Body filler

For future referance if you use micro ballons instead of body filler it will be much lighter and easy to sand 

micro ballons also known as hollow glass spheres 

Thank you very much for the

Thank you very much for the tip, peter_heim!

I’ll consider it in my next fiberglass work.

UPDATE @ December 19,

UPDATE @ December 19, 2015: Just changed the main picture.

This project is also published on the Instructables site: