AUROB - Myra (low budget MS Eddie Robot Version)

For the winter time I need a Robot for indoor. My other one (AUROB Isaac) is to big to drive in my flat.

So - I have made a Robot like the Microsoft Eddie bot - but cheaper ;) It´s wooden made with cheap gearmotors and things from the DIY-Market. The engine is mounted with two large metal angle. The bearing blocks are mounted with smaller angles. The drive axles are normal threaded rods.

What I need now are the couplings to connect the drive to the motor shaft - which I will do in the next days. The other structure is similar to that of Isaac - Arduino, ultrasonic sensors, Kinect, laptop, odometry, compass, accelerometer, ....

The software will be largely met by Isaac. In addition, a person recognition and a few other gimmicks such a voice recognition, etc. As soon I have news I'll post it of course ;)

Greetings from Austria, Arno

Navigate in my flat via Kinect, compas and ultrasonic, obstacle avoidance, now me and other people, can hear and speak

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 x Pollin ARM922696716_03
  • CPU: Win7 CPU: 1 i7-7200M Notebook, 1 Arduino Mega
  • Operating system: win7
  • Power source: 1x12V 10AH for motors and electronic
  • Programming language: C#
  • Sensors / input devices: Kinect, Odometrie, CMPS10, Arduino mega
  • Target environment: indoor

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