Attaching Motors to cogs

What is the best way to attach motors to the cogs, I have both the 4mm and 6mm Hubs. I’m looking for photos to show me a various ways people have attached these to motors

Thanks in Advance for any Help,

Wow, no answers? I also had asked in another thread for a pics as you requested, but nothing ever got posted. I hope you figured it out already, but I’ll try to offer some help anyway…

I don’t have the track parts yet, but I do understand how it should go together. The hub you will use depends on which motor you are using. Let’s assume you are using the Lynxmotion motors with the 6mm shaft (like the GHM-04, which I own)… you would use the 6mm hubs then.

The first thing you need to do is mount the motors to your chassis. You should already have drilled holes for the motor shaft (large enough for the extrusion around the shaft) and the 3 motor mount screw holes. So poke the shaft through the chassis, and screw the motor screws through the chassis plate into the motor. Use washers for these screws, especially if your chassis is plastic.

If your chassis is polycarbonate (lexan), don’t use threadlock on the motor screws, but if it’s not lexan then use a little drop of Blue Loctite. FYI I don’t recommend lexan for this reason… the drivetrain will vibrate a lot and those metal-on-metal screws may eventually loosen.

Next slide the hub onto the motor and make sure the set screw hole on the hub is aligned with the flat spot on the motor shaft. Put a small drop of Loctite in the hole and tighten the set screw down. You might want to think through the spacing of the hub from the motor before you set it, depending on how your chassis is designed.

Now put the two sprocket pieces together back to back with the open sides facing outward, making sure that you align the sprocket teeth (I assume they align automatically when the screw holes line up in any position). Screw in the four 5-40 hex screws that came with the hub through the two sprocket pieces and into the hub. Again, some blue Loctite in the hub holes would not hurt a bit. Oh, and I’d put some washers in between the screws and sprocket. Yer done!

I hope this helps…sorry if it was obvious.