The challenge is very simple, and can be build with what ever technology you have at hand
Objective: build a walker robot that can pull an object at least 4 times heavier than its own weight in the shortest time.
1. The bot should have at least 2 legs (crawler) to a maximum of 6 legs
2. The object pulled should be at least 4 times heavier than the robot
3. The object should be pulled through a 10cm long cable or rope
4. The object should be pulled for a distance of 50cm
5. The object and robot should be placed in a flat, smooth surface
6. The time starts running when the robot is turned ON
7. The robots are evaluated by the formula Score= ((Object's weight in grams / Robot's weight in grams) / Time) x # of legs
The best robot will receive a Diploma of Awesomenticity
As you can see many strategies are possible to achieve maximum points
Regards EZ
Well it didnt say anything
Well it didnt say anything about rolling . . .
Object = 2.0 kg (2L of water = 2kg)
Robot = 0.5 kg (just under)
Time = 30 seconds at the most
Legs = 6
Score = ((2.0 / 0.5) / 30) * 6 = 0.8
By the way your formula gives a better score to robots with more legs, is that what you intended?
Great Chench!!!
I mean if
Great Chench!!!
I mean if you can build a robot for sure you can find the loopholes on the rules :D, lest see how this develops
I’m building a walker. Not
I’m building a walker. Not sure how well it’ll do in this scenario but I’ll try it when its completed.
Cool keep us posted, looking
Cool keep us posted, looking forward for your entry
Well I posted a comment then
Well I posted a comment then answered my own question… haha but you cant delete comments only edit them. So ignore this