Okay, this is just a little "this vs. that" quiz so I can find out what you guys generally prefer. Vote PIC for PICs or PIC based devices like PICAXEs and ATMEL for ATMELs and stuff like Arduinos.

Its like comparing apples
Its like comparing apples and oranges. You can’t say one is better over the other. I use Pics.

Yeah, I know. But this was just for the heck of it, just wondering what you guys like. I like PICs just cuz I started with them and I haven’t seen an Atmel system that uses BASIC.

I’m on the atmel side, just
I’m on the atmel side, just cause I got several of the chips at the moment. though pic is always something I could try down the road.


Availabe at:

I’ve seen more than a few non-robot projects that use it.


Oh, and I’m AVR because of the free C/C++ compiler available for it. Might try a PIC someday, though.



**Im AVR. +1 for a fantastic**<br><p>Im AVR.

+1 for a fantastic C compiler.

Just so you all know, you can grab a couple free sample chips from most chip companies. Trouble is you need those expensive programmers…

Hey, that’s neat! I didn’t know there were any BASIC compilers for Atmel. Must be a plot…

there not all expensive.
there not all expensive. Some are 10, others are 1000.

i still have to decide. For

i still have to decide. For now i am using picaxe but for my next project i’ll either switch to bare PICs (basic though, not assembler) or AVRs, not really sure which one to choose. I think it will depend on the amount of informations i find around the net.

I really like those picaxe-style datasheets that show all the commands you can use in one single pdf file, also found a similar thing for the PICs but still have to find them for AVRs. I’m not firmly settling down on PICs not because of the slower speed (1/4 compared to AVR) but because of the expensive compiler.

There are free compilers out
There are free compilers out there. The student compiler for MCC18 is free, but after a while it limits the max program size. If you do decide to go with PIC I will help you select what you will need.

AVR Instruction set manual


Instruction set manual for AVR.

On Wikipedia


Cool stuff thanks! Do you
Cool stuff thanks! Do you know if there’s a similar version but for C language instead? I’ve installed AVR studio but the help file doesn’t give them.


PIC - 8 bit micro (others 16 and 32)

AVR - 8 bit micro (and AVR32)

PIC - Harvard architecture, separate data and program memory

AVR - modified Harvard architecture - special instructions allow program memory to be accessed as data if needed

PIC - 4 clocks to perform an instruction

AVR - 1 clock to perform an instruction

PIC - modified instruction set to accommodate C programming

AVR - instruction set built for C programming

PIC - usually requires special programming voltages and hardware

AVR - can use a serial programming dongle with no special voltages

PIC - freebie compilers in C, Basic

AVR - freebie compilers in C, Basic

PIC - old apples from 1975

AVR - new shiny tasty apples from 1996


I use the Arduino, because
I use the Arduino, because it’s the first thing I bought and it’s easy for prototyping, but I also dove into bare PICs…not to good at using those yet though. I don’t even know, I guess I like both.

You would need to add a C
You would need to add a C compiler to AVR studio, as it is set up to develop in AVR assembly initially. There are tutorials around on how to set up AVR Studio with GCC (WinAVR). GCC/WinAVR with AVRLibC detailed some here and alphabetically here.

are you sure it’s set up to

are you sure it’s set up to use assembly? when I got my tiny13 I was able to program it in c without issue. I didn’t configure it to use any libs or anything.


Not completely sure but all
Not completely sure but all I can find in regards to AVR Studio alone is in reference to the AVR assembly instructions. This Atmel page also says it only has an assembler and simulator. There was another reference about comparing IAR C to GCC when using AVR Studio, but it appears that the Studio from Atmel is only a development environment. It probably is possible that you have a pre-packaged combination that has a C compiler already integrated, but I think AVR Studio downloaded from Atmel is Assembly only.

That’s a definite AVR :smiley:

"PIC - usually requires


PIC - usually requires special programming voltages and hardware

AVR - can use a serial programming dongle with no special voltages

PIC - freebie compilers in C, Basic

AVR - freebie compilers in C, Basic

PIC - old apples from 1975

AVR - new shiny tasty apples from 1996


PIC’s can be programmed using a serial dongle too… They can even be programmed through ethernet, USB, etc so about special voltages and stuff what are you talking about

As for the old apples and shiny apple thing, what are you talking about?!?!