I will be installing a pixy cam so it can identify objects. Mainly for a bit of fun and optional IK face tracking.

Yes - But will the turret turn ?

No. The body will respond to the objects tracked position. If the object is too close it will back up and will walk forward if to far. if the object goes up or down then also will the body. If it goes left or right so will the Body…

 /* if the object we are trackings width gets too far away */
  if(o_width == 10){ 
    /* increment width counter */
    distance_counter += 1;
    /* if the counter reaches 10 */
    if(distance_counter == 10){
      /* move the robot forward */
      TravelLengthZ = -((256)-128); //was 206 started at 166  
      /* zero out body rotations while walking */
      BodyRotX1 = 0;
      BodyRotY1 = 0;
      /* reset width counter */
      distance_counter = 0;

  /* if the object we are tracking gets too close*/
  }else if(o_width > 45){
    /* move the robot backwards */
    TravelLengthZ = -((50)-128);  
    /* zero out body rotations while walking */
    BodyRotX1 = 0;
    BodyRotY1 = 0;
  /* if the object we are tracking isnt too far away or too close then rotate the robot body */
    /* set the walking distance to zero */
    TravelLengthZ = 0;
    /* feed tilt error into pitch rotation*/
    BodyRotX1 = tilt_error;
    /* feed pan error into yaw rotation */
    BodyRotY1 = -pan_error; 
    /* if the pan error is above a certain threshold */
    if(pan_error >= 75){
      /* give the servos 150ms more to reach the destination */
      SSCTime += 150; 
      /* otherwise use default ammount of time */
      SSCTime = 150; 
    /* if the tilt error is above a certain threshold */
    if(tilt_error >= 75){
      /* give the servos 150ms more to reach the destination */
      SSCTime += 150; 
      /* otherwise use default ammount of time */
      SSCTime = 150;

Code reference to

i have started to model in the ground contact switches for terrain adaption.

As far as the coding goes for this part i will have to be something i will work on one i have this assembled since there is a lot of work to do and i cant do it coding blind. any info, links or help at this stage would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @innerbreed
Wow. Truly impressed by your project.

I’m not sure what stage you are at in its development, but I would definitely like to know more.

Would you be interested in posting your project in the robot section?

It would be a good way to detail your thinking process, work in progress, updates, result, parts, etc.

Looking forward to seeing this tarantula “come to life”.

Hi there, what a totally awesome project. I have managed to get my 4DOF hexapod to listen to my PIXY and it responds to it. I can share my code if it’s of any use…basically the Phoenix code modified a bit.
Would you be able to share the STL files for your robot as I would love to have a go at building it!
Thanks loads.

This project ended personally for me.
It is now an asset of R4ROBOTICS since they acquired the project from me. No link provided as I am not their marketing assistant. Lol

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