(Artificial) life has found a way... New robot!

Hey everyone!

I haven’t posted in quite a while, the reason being that I just have way too many unfinished robots.

But this one... this one, I will hopefully finish (but I can’t promise!).

I had 3D printed a Velociraptor skeleton puzzle (the raptor being like the ones from Jurassic Park/World,) and I thought, “you know, this would make for an awesome robot.” And that’s exactly what I’m working on now.

I still remember that I have Roboscraptor, but it’s really on the back burner right now... CBenson was right, hacking toys is not a good starting point in robotics. Learning from the ground up really does have its advantages, including more flexibility in your robot’s designs. But I digress.

This 3D printed raptor will have a very basic AI based on a Subsumption Architecture- it does, however, “break the rules” of Brook’s architecture a bit.

When the robot is ready and moving, I plan to cover it in a way that it is scaly all over but can easily be opened for repairs/modifications. For personal reasons, feathers are not a design choice I wish to make.

So that’s what I’ve been up to. I hope to finish this robot, and I’ll make a page for it soon enough.

Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you around!


I’d love to hear more about your subsumption architecture.  As a frequent breaker of rules, I’d also like to hear about what rules you broke and why.

I suppose I am an A.I. nerd.



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