Arm Robot C++ Coding


Hello everyone,

I'm new to the world of robotics and i need your help. I've made an arm robot and it's consisted of 4 servo motors and the photo shows the rest.

Now, I want to program it to pick something and move it to another place. I just don't have an experience with C++ programming so I was hoping someone would help me to program it using this language so I can use MS Visual Studio to control it.


Hope that someone would help! :)

MS Visual Studio

If you are planning on using VS why not use VB?

These are Robotis Dynamixel

These are Robotis Dynamixel AX-12 servos. A software library for VS exists at the Forest Moon website for the AX12 Arm project.

Are you wanting to make a

Are you wanting to make a GUI (graphical user interface)?  I would start with a calculator tutorial on Youtube, then learn how to setup a com port in C++.  You might want to include more details of what your working with and what/how you want to control it.  Cheers and welcome to LMR!


Hoi ForeverFree,

Want to give MyRobotLab a try?  Wink, wink, nudge, nudge…

Its extensible, so after manually training it through the gui, you can add other services… Like Voice Recognition - so you may Command it to grab that something and move it to another location !

It runs on Java and talks to micro-controllers…   Conceptually, there is no limit to the number of servos it can control …
Bwah ha ha …

You have a webcam?  Integrate it !  Try to pick things up… Bwah ha ha !

Sensor Monitor included ! … add sensors !  (did I say Bwah ha ha already?)

Here are some screen shots of the gui.




From where someone can download  “Myrobotlab”?

A few questions

What OS do your run ?
Do you have Java 1.6 ?
What hardware do you have for your project ?

Make it communicate with a

Make it communicate with a chess engine and i would be in :wink:

More details…

Let’s start of giving more details:

The robot is totally Simple, simple with the function of pick and place! I’m extermly new to the world of robotics sience. I know nothing about it, I just want a new knowledge to add. So, as a start I don’t want to use anything that’s complicated like voice command, and actually I forgot to tell you that a sensor is actaully implemented and then I thought of not using it so it won’t be more complicated to handle. I need to use C++ because it’s so close to C (the only language I dealt with along with Java).

Here are the items:

- Dynamixel AX-12+ Robot Actuator

-Robotis USB2Dynamixel Adapter.

-SMPS2Dynamixel Adapter.

-Dynamixel Sensor Module AX-S1.

-Bioloid Frames.

-Bioloid Servo/Sensor Cables.

and regarding the OS i’m using is Windows 7- 32 bit.

Any Help with the Coding please??

Pick one … any one…

This one  ?

Should I begin to assimilate?


If you could get it to

If you could get it to communicate with an engine where i can feed it serial input of a move and get serial output of the computers move i would be jumping up and down. As far as i have googled, I do not have the power to do it. 

Mac 10.6.5     Java 1.6     :wink:

what’s the layout?

Computer —USB/Serial–> Arduino —> Motor Controller --> Motor    ?

**Hmm… **

The Dynamixel stuff is closed source (thats to bad, you should write to them about that).

But they have examples of Java API…

I’ll check it out…


Yeah. All the Arduino needs

Yeah. All the Arduino needs is the chess notation and it takes it from there. Also feeding it backwards would be 

 Move input:  Arduino–>USB/Serial–>Computer

Move output: Computer —USB/Serial–> Arduino —> Motor Controller --> Motor

Though if we talk about this more i feel like we should do this on a different thread. I feel like a hijacker.

Feel free to change the conversation to over here

Vanadium Labs are doing a

Vanadium Labs are doing a lot of software that works with Dynamixel servos. They use an Arduino compatible board (ArbotiX) and an Arduino library for AX and RX series servos. You can use PyPose to store the servo positions for a pick and place move and then play them back directly from the microcontroller.

I suggest you use a

I suggest you use a microcontroller as an intermediary between your arm and PC.  Send a serial command from the PC to the micro and have the micro control the servos.  I would suggest AVR which is programmable with C (and GNU C Compiler).  Do you already have C++ windows forms programming experience (I’m assuming you want to design a graphical user interface)?


Looked at

Doesn’t look very promising, in fact it looks like as the filename would suggest, its for “scanning”… not controlling

There are no “writes” only reads…  

Looking at the docs, its very Windows only, proprietary stuff…

If it was me I would do the same as what Rogue suggested and dump it like a hot potatoe, and get an Arduino, Picaxe, or Propeller to serve its place… (my preference would be Arduino)

Good Luck :smiley:

No really, I don’t want to

No really, I don’t want to design a graphical interface, no. I just want a program to control those servos i’ve got. I asked a person and he told me that’s ok to connect the robot to the PC and excute the program from Visual Studio! and the arm should be able to move. I’ve excuted  a program on it and only the base servo worked (the round movement)! but nothing else!!! the CMD works and it lines the following statement: (comm_rxtimeout: there is no status packet). so what does this mean?!

You see guys, I don’t want to use a software for controlling it! I just want a C++ program to excute it and see my desired result of pick and place function. Isn’t it possible? Please say yes :’( …

Yes, it’s possible to

Yes, it’s possible to control the arm from VS C++. Why don’t you look at the AX12Arm Library, as I told you before?




Dude, each servo has a

Dude, each servo has a different ID, you need to send commands to the servo specific ID to be executed by that servo. So it should work!