ARM powered bot

Your basic three wheel chassis with a ARM processor. The Freescale Freedom board cost me $12.00 US. They have a 3 axis accelerometer and support Arduino shields however will not supply +5 volts. I'm currenly working on a shell for the MQX-lite RTOS. I don't want to use the string library from libc because its a space hog. I am writing basic string fuinction that won't use much space. I will be able to comunicate through an USB port.

Roams while tracking its location. Detects objects with sonar.

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 Tamiya Worm Gearboxs, One 7g servo., DFRobot H Bridge Shield
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Freescale Freedom Development Board with 48 MHZ ARM.
  • Operating system: MQX-lite RTOS
  • Power source: 6 Volt LiFE battery
  • Programming language: C (old school)
  • Sensors / input devices: 3 axis accelerometer, Panning SRF04
  • Target environment: indoors

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Nice robot, but I’m stuck on the Stewie head sonar!     It just screams Family Guy.