Arduino (wiring up)


a few questions about the ardiono board (UNO)

1. if i want to connect a moter, how do i connect the mottor with the arduino uno board?

2. how should i powerup (put elektriciti on it) the motor?

3. is there a motor shield NEEDED or can i do it without shields?

4. is it recommended to make a elektrical schamatic circuit before doing all the wiring/hooking-up at the board

5. what about the schematic circuits (ins outs, the why, the how and please more)

5. i've seen a vid where somebody puts the stripped-twisted-wire into the arduino board pin-hole whitout soldering, how is this enough?


could sombody (or more body's xD) give awnsers to these questions


im still a real-non-tecnical-person xD so please be sure that i wil understand

thankxx alot!


I could start with answering

I could start with answering all your questions, but I think it’s easier to give you a link to a site with some Arduino tutorials (also with a motor tutorial).

It will give you ways of hooking it all up and even give you code examples to play with.
Really, doing tutorials will learn you a lot. It helped me out with coding my own stuff in just a few months.

Start with blinking an LED and then go ahead. If you lack parts you can always skip something, but be sure to read the tutorial and look at the breadboard sheet, so you know the basics.

Good luck! 

okey, i checked it out, it

okey, i checked it out, it did awnser a little of my question from qestion 1 to 3

i think it is powered up by a external power suply

a motor shield is not NEEDED…

and it is just connected by wires and some electronic compenents…

but still not a very detailed explenation about the HOW TO wire it up, like a vid or step to step tut

i just hope you can take a little time for me ^^

thnxx nick

This is a common question

This is a common question that a search on the site might reveal the answer to.

so, i looked what a H-brigde

so, i looked what a H-brigde was and i think that i can used it this way:


now in the code i use this for.. :

pin0 LOW + pin1 HIGH = forward

pin0 HIGH + pin1 LOW = reverse

is this the complete scale of a single motor in a simple way?

did i mest something up, so yes WHAT did i mest up in my nice circuit xD

and i stil haven't got a awnser to 5 and 6.

1, 2, 3, 4 are awnsert thanks alot!


I’m no expert on H-bridge

I’m no expert on H-bridge but I don’t think your setup will work. First of all you need a resistor at the base of the transistor (it is driven by current and not voltage). Next, you probably should have both PNP and NPN transistors.
Your also missing diodes to protect your Arduino as the back EMF might kill it.
And last, don’t use the digital pins 0 & 1 if you don’t have to as these are the serial line and it will be a mess when you try to upload your sketch.
Have a look at No point in reinventing the wheel :smiley:

I have to disagree with you

I have to disagree with you on running even a small DC motor directly from an Arduino IO pin. The pin is only able to source/sink 40mA and you stand a chance to burn the pin or even the chip. The other ting to consider is the back EMF from the motor. That is a high voltage spike going in the reverse direction an also might fry your IO port.
So my recommendation is to NOT run anything that draws more than 40mA from any IO pin. Just add a transistor (and a protective diode for inductive loads) and your fine.

so where should i put the

so where should i put the diodos then in my circiut? and the transistors where, i thought i already had 4 transistors??? and then i’'l be fine if you say so… i also need to ad some resistors or am i wrong? how about the pnp-transistor and npn-transisitor whats the differences?


thnx alot


As far as I can tell, your

As far as I can tell, your circuit won’t work with the 4 NPN transistors. Look at the link I sent you from ‘robot room’ you can learn great stuff from that guy. A PNP transistor turns on when the base is pulled to the ground.
But you can save yourself a lot of work by going for a H-bridge chip like the L293D like OddBot suggests. They are cheap from eBay