Arduino to control Dynamixel AX-12A and a MPU6050

So i currently have an Arduino Uno, Dynamixel Ax-12A and an MPU6050.

Hi there,

so i have Dynamixel Ax-12A, arduino Uno R3 and an MPU6050.

I know i can hook the AX-12A up to the smart servo controller sold by RobotShop. but is it still possible to hook up the MPU6050 as is done usually with the arduino uno?
i have attached a schematic of the MPU6050 wiring with the arduino that i currently have.
I basically want to know if the Smart Servo Controller can work with the MPU6050 and the Dynamixel AX-12’s?

Hello @rad3 !

Welcome to the forum!

Of course, looking into your sketch, you are using the I2C protocol with your IMU. The Dynamixel uses a serial protocol, then you could be able to use both of them. Check out this blog to further references about code examples.

Hope this helps you:grin:

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