Arduino Simple Walker aka Bug Bot

We recently had some parts designed through, on that order we threw in some pieces for a simple arduino walker. If you have younger kids who are interested in robotics, electronics, crafts, etc. this is a great little project to introduce them to the Arduino. As a bonus, has given us a coupon that you can use that will give you 50% off your making order! Coupon at the end of the post. Photos, video and sketch file are included with my latest post.


Full details at

I hope it is OK to post this as a link. I just don't feel like going through the whole upload/edit process to post the information again.



This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

**link **
I edited your link, hope you don’t mind. It works now without copy/pasting.

**Kids! **
I lvoe how involved your kids get, id love my daughter to show some interest =/

**Btw **
Is that your site?

Thanks Rik! Edgee, she had

Thanks Rik! Edgee, she had me cracking up with all the questions she had. She said "what is this nail called?" and I said "that is a screw" as she was tightening down the servo top connector. She then said "it should be a squeel, because it goes squeel, squeel, squeel everytime I turn it".

yes thats is my site.


That really is great man, i might see if my sprog would be interested in building a walker.



Nice site mate, i like the design.

It was a good project to do

It was a good project to do because it was pretty basic and didn’t take very long. It sparks their interest and creativity. My daughter had a lamp that had little princess dolls on it. The lamp wasnt working and when she was helping with those servos. She had the idea of putting the princess on one and have it play music like a music box. I was surprised that she was already thinking of things in this way.

Ok, I will quit the cheesy dad boasting now :wink:

The link to the instructable that has the persons design of this has a nice pattern that you can download and print off. his was made of wood, and he made a standalone board for the brain.

Someone who wants to work
Someone who wants to work with their child and Arduino, quickly put together your parts design and use that 50% off coupon for Ponoko. I found out it was only a first come first serve coupon, so I hope a kid gets it. I hope you blog about it here and show photos and video too :slight_smile: You can design any kind of robot base, or whatever for your project.

**If its still about **
at the end of the month i will use it to build something with my daughter.