hi will i have being wanting to make a robot for a long time and finally got the cash together to get the parts and whatnot so i have an arduino duemilanove micro controller, 4 full rotation servos and 2 sharp ir range finders one 4cm to 30cm range and one 10cm to 80cm i want to make a 3 legged walking bot a bit like swashbot2 but autonomes but being that this is my first bot i thort i would start with a simple 2 wheel ir range finder sort of thing anyway i have a few things i would like explained to me
1) the full rotation servos can i control how far thay rotate at what angle thay are etc if not can i modifie the servo to do so like you can modifie the half rotation ones to become full rotation servos?
2)wen i start the servo eg: (myservo.write(180);) how do i make it stop in my code once it starts. (sorry if this is noobie:)~
3) i wont to control the servos with the ir range finders but how do i check what there readings are to be able to no at what reading to control what the servo dose.
any advice or directions were i can fined answers would be appreciated
regards Endura