Arduino PID Motor Controller

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Uploaded the code for PD motor speed controller using arduino

Let me know if you guys need any help.

Awesome post! I have

Awesome post! 

   I have to implement this on my robot, so I’m now downloading the code to adapt it to Andar

Thank you very much!


You are most welcome.

Did you use the code? And did it work properly? I am eager to know.

Eagle Schematic


I’ve never used EAGLE and find it pretty confusing. Do you have the schematic in PROTEUS?

Download link of the source code


May I download the source code? I can’t find the link.




Exactly what I was looking for!

Thanks so much for posting this.  I do have a question as it relates to calculating the RPM:

In your code, is the following calculating the RPM based upon a 30 pulse per rotation encoder?

//Calculating the speed using encoder count

speed_act = ((count - countAnt)(60(1000/LOOPTIME)))/(30);   

This calculates the speed for 30 pulse per rotation encoder

Yes it does