I believe I saw you say you have a motor driver shield
in the shout box. Could you let us know what shield it is?
Once you have told us what motor shield you have we could help you figure out the rest of the process.
While you are working on that, how about learning to check the values you are getting from an LDR (light dependent resistor) connected to an analog input as a voltage divider with a standard resistor. You will need a pair of those circuits set up. Once you start understanding the numbers you are getting you can begin to write your program. It will boil down to setting up a function to read your LDRs, and then, using the input to influence your robot to respond; forward, reverse, left, right.
It will be something along the lines of:
loop() {
leftSensor = analogRead(leftSensorPin);
rightSensor = analogRead(rightSensorPin);
if ((leftSensor == rightSensor) && (leftSensor >= brightEnough)) { // thanks to mogul for catching my error it was == before >=
if ((leftSensor == rightSensor) && (leftSensor <= dark)) { // thanks to mogul for catching my error it was == before <=
if (leftSensor > rightSensor) {
if (leftSensor < rightSensor) {
void move(int A, int B) {
int newA, newB;
//motorA moves forward
if (A > 128) {
newA = map(A, 129, 255, 1, 255);
analogWrite(enableA, newA);
digitalWrite(motorA1, 1);
digitalWrite(motorA2, 0);
//motorA moves in reverse
if (A <= 127) {
newA = map(A, 127, 0, 1, 255);
analogWrite(enableA, newA);
digitalWrite(motorA1, 0);
digitalWrite(motorA2, 1);
//motorB moves forward
if (B > 128) {
newB = map(B, 129, 255, 1, 255);
analogWrite(enableB, newB);
digitalWrite(motorB1, 1);
digitalWrite(motorB2, 0);
//motorB moves in reverse
if (B <= 127) {
newB = map(B, 127, 0, 1, 255);
analogWrite(enableB, newB);
digitalWrite(motorB1, 0);
digitalWrite(motorB2, 1);
//stop the motor/s
if (A == 128) {
analogWrite(enableA, 0);
digitalWrite(motorA1, 1);
digitalWrite(motorA2, 0);
if (B == 128) {
analogWrite(enableB, 0);
digitalWrite(motorB1, 1);
digitalWrite(motorB2, 0);
You will need to define enableA, enableB, motorA1, motorA2, motorB1, motorB2, leftSensorPin, rightSensorPin. These will all be int. Integers in this case are numbers below 256. **NOTE: the enable pins do not need to be analog. PWM would be nice though. The probably are already connected to PWM pins like 9(?) and 10(?).
brightEnough, dark, leftSensor, and rightSensor can also be int, if you use 8 bit ADC. Otherwise, you will need to define them as long. You will need to do some testing as I mentioned earlier to know what dark and brightEnough numbers actually are. All of your declaration statements should appear before the setup() statement. I would suggest something along the lines of:
const int enableA = 9; //this will define the number nine as enableA, and, it will also be a constant so you won’t be able to reassign enableA later in the program
I wrote the program as I did, because once you can get a handle on it, you can get your robot to move faster or slower depending on the intensity or lack thereof of light hitting your LDRs.
Maybe someone will set me straight if I get something wrong.