Arduino Object Avoiding Robot

This is a simple Arduino-based object-avoiding robot. It uses two inexpensive ultrasonic distance sensors, an Arduino Uno, four continuous rotation servos to drive, and one 180 degree servo to rotate the top distance sensor to the left, center, and right positions. For its frame, I used a 1ft x 1ft square piece of wood I got from a local crafts store.

Total cost apparently adds up to around $100. I didn't realize I spent that much on this thing until I listed the parts out for this post. Oh well. I've since dissasembled it, repurposed the Uno, and I'll repurpose the servos for another experiment. All of those parts can be reused project after project. The Arduino could definitely be bought cheaper. I've gotten several Arduino Nanos for around $4 each in bulk. Good continuous rotation servos don't come cheap though. You might find some for $8 or so, but that's probably the last thing I'd recommend skimping on. Good servos will bring much more fun in future projects than crappy weak servos.

I have attached the Arduino code as a text attachment. Here is a detailed parts list:

  • 1 x 1ft square - Local crafts store (Michael's, JoAnn, etc...), just a little piece of plywood. $2
  •  4 x Continuous rotation servos - $13 x 4 = $52
  • 4 x Wheels stolen from an RC car I got at a local thrift shop (Goodwill) - $1
  • 1 x Arduino Uno - $17 or so
  • 2 x Ultrasonic Distance Sensors - about $2 each
  • 1 X Breadboard - $2
  • Miscellaneous nuts/bolts/metal contruction pieces from Lowe's - $10
  • Miscellaneous male-to-female, male-to-male wires - $10



This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Welcome to LMR!

You can do it quieter and faster using 2 dc yellow motors. I suggest banggood and aliexpress for them:-)

You’re right - those yellow

You’re right - those yellow DC motors definitely are cheaper. They require a motor driver though, so an H Bridge would be needed, costing around $5 or so.

Very nice build.

A good bot to build off of!


Very nice and you can use a CT-UNO from our marketplace

Hi hog!

Great robot and congratulations. You show how with few components it’s possible to make a robot and start in robotics!

I want to show you that any of you can get the main Arduino (compatible) UNO board from our marketplace and help this great site to keep running free. Thanks and keep going!