Hello community.
I have built a arduino nano quadcopter with multiwii firmware. Sensor GY521.
The problem is, it continues yaw.
can anyone help me
Hello @fadhil_hashim
I think that your problem comes from either your trim or from non-leveled motors, if the trim does not change anything
You can use this video to adjust the trim:
The GY521 (MPU-6050) sensor only have Gyro and Accelerometer which lack of a Magnetometer for Yaw lock. If you want that feature the MPU-9250 might be a better choice.
As @Magmator said you can make sure you are trimmed so you have less “drift” but it will not be locked.
Make sure your transmitter is sending 1500 when centered. This can be seen in the MultiwiiConf or WinGUI and adjusted with the trims on your transmitter.
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