Arduino motor control problems!

Hey ggallant,This is only

Hey ggallant,

This is only happening with the motor controlled at pin 3. I thought it was a faulty capacitor or diode on that part of the board that was causing the voltage to drop but even after replacing both the problem is still there.

The arduino stopped resetting only after I connected a resistor in series with the motor.


Hey Dannyv,I already drilled

Hey Dannyv,

I already drilled some extra holes near the chip and soldered the capacitor. There’s also one of those soldered across every motor terminal (on the pcb).

The Vcc line is a continuous trace going to the motors, 328 chip and the 3.3V regulator. The battery input is given through header pins to this. I’ve read that isolating the chip and motor supply is good practice and I read on another old forum that it can be done with a resistor separating the different lines (still using 1 battery). Is it possible?


What level is the brownout reset at?

I have been busy and might have lost the thread of this.  

Have you checked the settings of the brown out detection programing fuses?

When you are using a separate power supply is it 5v or 3.2v?

If you put a volt meter (or o-scope) across the vin what happens when it resets?



Hey RG,Brownout detection is

Hey RG,

Brownout detection is set at 2.7V, I wsa thinking of burning the bootloader again with either disabled brownout or a 1.8V setting. My battery never goes below 3.8V.

When it is separte the chip is on the arduino main board so that was powered by USB 5V.

The reset hapens continuously and very fast, so the DMM shows that the pin is still pulled up (Around 4.2V). But I tried printing to the serial monitor like ggallant suggested and confirmed that the atmega is continously resetting.

For now the only way the motor works is when a resistance is connected in series with it ( I’ve gone down to 10ohm ).

Thanks !