Arduino Marble Maze Labyrinth

Introducing inspired automated control labyrinth marble maze.

I show you how to make an Arduino controlled Marble Maze Labyrinth board game that is super easy and fun to make. And the best part is it's made From Cardboard.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

This looks so cool and functional! Now I wonder what other kinds of simple games you could make with cardboard like this. Perhaps a pinball machine?

Thanks Raniak,

Yes, after making this game I’ve discovered that most of the kids prefer the physical games instated of the electronic one. and they interested to make their own marble mazes after they try it .

And actually, your idea is great and I’ll start thinking about it.

Considered making a smaller, fully 3D printed version? Perhaps use minimal plastic and extra hardware. I’d try it. Looks fun!

That is such a creative project! I liked the idea given by @Raniak, I used to love pinball when I was a kid haha

The 3D printing idea is also great but I also like this budget-friendly option :sweat_smile:

Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work

Hello, is it possible to obtain the link to the video which is private please?