Arduino: How to make your first robot with

When writing this, LMR only offers "Start here" - instructions on how to make your first robot, using Picaxe.

"Nebster" wrote to me, and asked if I could do a parallel, using Arduino, and I think that is actually a very good idea (now that Picaxe refuses to pay me commission, haha)

Focus should be on making first timers get a robot up and running at a low cost, and most importantly learn how to hook up motors, a servo, and a analogue input in "no time".

Design should be the same as the "start here" robot. Both because this IMHO gives users a good all around start, and because it will make it easier for the newbee to compare and chose solution.

However, I do not have as much time as when I made the Picaxe starter-robot.. So I am asking you for help, save me some learning experiences, cut some corners, please provide input;


I am planning to use a Diecimila, and the L298 Compact Motor Driver Kit, since the Arduino motor shield is still not ready to just buy for a newbee.

Apart from this, the design will be the same; 2 motors, servo, Sharp IR, lots of tape, and no real body.

The programming example will be just as brief, however, it will be a bit longer, because it is C, and the setup will be a bit more complex.

Any comments, or should I just go on with it & order? :)



I agree with you about the
I agree with you about the components. I just want to say it would be cool to have a table that compares picaxe to arduino so one can choose the one most suitable for him. I think you should go on with the order. :slight_smile:

there’s already something

there’s already something here, altough i disagree a little with the conclusion :slight_smile:

Fritsl the setup looks good. An alternative could be to use a plain L293D with a board like this one. I’ve used Arduino with L293D and there are no problems with it.

Note that Arduino don’t run with 5v but with 7 to 12V, so you’ll not be able to feed it with that controller 5v output (if you were planning to).

Wow, Frits is really going

Wow, Frits is really going to buy an Arduino? I never thought I’d see the day :slight_smile:

As for the power source that the Arduino needs, I’ve always used it with 7+ volts (usually a 9V battery). But it does provide a 5v output pin (connected to the output of its onboard voltage regulator), and I read somewhere that you can feed it 5v power via that pin. I tried it once and couldn’t get it to work though, so your mileage may vary.

The other alternative is to get one of the smaller 3.3v Arduino clones – you can feed those anything from 3.3v up to 12v. I haven’t used any Arduino boards other than the Diecimila, but I’ve been meaning to try out the Arduino Pro Mini. It’s only $19, though it does require the one-time investment of buying the $14 USB interface, but then you can use that USB interface with all the Arduino Pros you buy in the future (and LilyPads, and other similar Arduino boards without onboard USB). The main downside is that, since it runs at 3.3v, it can’t interface with 5v sensors without using a $2 Logic Level Converter, so things start to get more complicated. The Arduino Pro also requires soldering to attach connectors, and of course can’t use shields since it’s a different shape, size, and voltage. It might be best to stick with the standard Diecimila for a beginner project. As Sparkfun say on the Arduino Pro page: “We recommend first time Arduino users start with the Diecimila. It’s a great board that will get you up and running quickly. The Arduino Pro series is meant for users that understand the limitations of system voltage (3.3V), lack of connectors, and USB off board.”


This looks like a promissing

This looks like a promissing motor controller as well by the guys at pololu


Thank you all :)It has saved

Thank you all :slight_smile:

It has saved me a lot of time & trouble…

There is a conclusion here; This sh*t is not ready for a newbee yet :slight_smile: I could simply not make an easy “start here” with this.

So… What will happen is either:

  • guibot will get the time to make one. He will try, we have talked on PM about him making one. But it is not sure that he get’s the time… Anyone else out there? You will make something that will help thousands!! Nerd credit for ever!
  • OR
  • The Arduino motor shield will be done for marketing… and that would lift the product up to a … erh down to a decent level where you could expect people who have never even soldered before still can make a robot in an afternoon with this. Then I will make the walkthrough.

Still I will get some of that Arduino, Dan :slight_smile: It is just SO hard to find time… but I guess it starts with placing an order :slight_smile:

Boy, tonight I decided that I wanted to read all unread on LMR, it is just not possible to follow it all and make robots and have a life and make them walkthroughs and… :smiley:

I think it will be a bit

I think it will be a bit “advanced” for beginners, but, IMHO I also think it´s a good thing to take the beginners into a higher level.

So this will be a possible setup:

1 Arduino Diecimila
1 Motor Driver (custom made or SolarBotics ?)
2 Wheels + 2 Gear Motors
1 SRF05
1 Servo

I will use my custom made motor driver (simple one), and also must finnish the walkthrough (will try to do it ths week).


I could also write an
I could also write an Arduino + L293D + breadboard “start here” tutorial if it’s needed :slight_smile:

Yes, indeed. One could say

Yes, indeed. One could say that 2 is one too many… But to be honest, show me the newbee that would not like a choice? That also goes for the work that I have done - I would LOVe if somebody would make alternatives, also with Picaxe. It can only be better that way.

Imagine if we had 10 different good start up-tutorials! What a nice place this would be.

And… also to be honest; It is never certain that what people INTEND to make get’s done - so the more intentions, the better chance that we actually get some good instructions.

If we ever get more than mine up there, we would provide people with more inspiration, so yes, unless we get to have 3 excactly the same ways of doing everything, and they alle are as good as the others, it can only be a benefit to have more.

(So it would be GREAT if you would) - I personally will make the robot(s) described, I cannot wait, get us going, I would love to just order parts and make what you show me :slight_smile:


hi guys i only just found

hi guys i only just found this forum page and started to read and followed up on links etc.

coincidentally i have all the parts required to make an arduino robot however i dont have the skills to do it all like programming… the programming… and building and troubleshooting etc. id need some to just tell me "oh yeah to fix that blah blah blah". or "that command your looking for is the blahh command". you know.

i could make to tutorial so when i start (if assigned to me) i will open up a page to get help from you guys.

my parts include:
arduino decimal
2 geared motors + tracks
sharp IR sensor
1 servo (i attempted to mod the other, oops)
and a motor controller

so i guess i could give it a go but as you say frits there just isnt enough time with study and work and school. i have school holidays coming up so i could get started then.


or another very simple one
or another very simple one would be something like this, it was my first and a really good project to start!

Yes, go for it!Guys, to put

Yes, go for it!

Guys, to put it short; Noone told me what to do, and noone will tell you what to do.

i know I have inspired a lot of people by making an easy tutorial for beginners. And I know you can do the same; There is a great need for it, it is the most inspiring thing one can make; Basic tutorials on how to make a simple robot. It helps people evolve. And it is fun to see how your work means that you can kick back and see others robots, made with the aid you provided.

So stop talking, just make that tutorial if you want. I want to follow any tutorial you make, and I know others will - just look at all the robots made because of my "Start here" project. We need more!

Thanks :slight_smile:

oh my god frits you are so

oh my god frits you are so right !

thank you for inspiring me. i will make a start on it however it will be about 2 months before i can post it because i have a hell of a lot to learn. thank you. it will have the same design as your start here one aswell.

i will get started then. =)

That’s the spirit, boy :)I

That’s the spirit, boy :slight_smile:

I cannot, and will not decide “who is to be making the official Arduino first-robot”. Just like nobody decided who should make the first Yellow Drum Machine, you know :slight_smile:

The one that does the job get’s the credit, fame & glory :slight_smile:

It should be done for your own reasons whatever they are. I personally think it is a good way to learn, remember, and at the same time get lots of friends, help people… it just feels god to know that you have inspired people.

And it is also fun to make them instructions, I think. You know people will be reading and following what you do, that is fun.It is also very time consuming, but hey - what are hobbies for :wink:

And there is not such a thing as one too many instructions. Good, easy, newbee tutorials are by far the most popular pages on LMR.


… and me, personally, I would really … really… love to try to follow intructions made on some sort of easy level, to get started with Arduino! So please make them tutorials :slight_smile: I promise to try every one if we ever get more than one!


… And if nobdy else does it, I will eventually pick up a board, and make a tutorial myself.

ok ill do it but i cant

ok ill do it but i cant start right away because i still have to order some parts in.

but hey i will give it ago but unfortunatly i dont think it will be a cheap build. mostly because im in australia but because i like a flash robot. =)

any support would be gladly accepted, or advice etc.

You are absolutely right
You are absolutely right fritsl!!!
I will make the easiest Arduino Bot Tutorial ever made :smiley:

I am not just saying it; I
I am not just saying it; I CANNOT WAIT! :smiley:

ok i just have on problem.

ok i just have on problem. what about a good non solder non serial motor driver. not controller.

ive looked into all the one on LMR and none suit my fancy. so what do you guys think?

For a motor driver, use the
For a motor driver, use the one from the tutorial that guibot posted about a week ago. Its called the… L2-somethingorrather.