Arduino based controller for up to | RobotShop Community

Hi everyone,

This is my first post here!

A few weeks ago I started working on an Arduino based simple servo controller and I wanted to throw an LCD screen in it so I could see and note the position of each servo.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nice job. Here is some code you might be interested in, it is my instructable but not my code - came from Oleg Mazurov and it provides xyz positioning (inverse kinematics). Pretty easy to follow it if you look at his website and check out the spreadsheet that shows calculations and graphics.
I think robotic arms are underrated. Lots more cool stuff could be done with them but it seems most builders just build one, play with it a while and stick it in the closet.
Poor lonely machines.

Hey @demej00

For some reason, I didn’t get a notification for your comments, sorry about the late reply.

I would be very interested in reading your instructables if you can share the link to me :slight_smile: !

I totally agree, even I didn’t know what to do with this robotic arm that has been sitting on my desk for a few years.

I discovered I didn’t do an instructable on it but here is the video:

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are you able to use the mega 2560 controller board and shield to do the same thing

@ChrisStrickland1 Yes, it will work with the Arduino Mega without issue.

You can use the same shield and the same code since the first half of the Arduino Mega is basically an Arduino Uno (with some minor differences but they won’t matter here).

Thanks for the response. I had no idea, have never used anything but Uno. Good to know.