Arduino and the SSC-32


I just received my SSC-32, and I’m wondering how I get the data from the Arduino to go into the SSC?

I connected a jumper from TX (on the Arduino) to RX (on the SSC-32) but it didn’t work when I sent a command.

I’m using 9600 baud from the Arduino, and the shorters on the baud section of the SSC-32 are 0 and 1.

Any help would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

EDIT: Nevermind, I got it :slight_smile: Problem was that I didn’t connect the Ground jumper from the SSC to the Arduino, and I was literally sending “” with the command, instead of doing Serial.println hahahaha! :slight_smile:

Glad you got it working. I never heard of Arduino, do you have a link to more information on that?

Yeah! :slight_smile:

I am building a 16 servo hexapod. I am thinking of using the SSC-32 to run them. Did you (Robotgrrl) get it to work properly? Do you recommend using the two boards together? What project are you working on?

OH, and do you mean that the Arduino and the SSC-32 have to share a common ground?

And did you mean that you actually typed instead of a carriage return?

So many questions!!!


Yeah it works great! I highly recommend it. I’m working on transplanting the “brains” of my MANOI to an Arduino, so I can code AI into it. :slight_smile:

Yeah, they have to share a common ground - just place a jumper from the ground near the TX/RX line on the SSC-32 onto the Arduino’s ground.

At first I typed “” but I switched it to:


LOL :laughing:

What programming language does Arduino use? You have any photos of your project?

Arduino uses “Arduino C”

I find it really similar to java :slight_smile: It’s easy to use too…

I don’t have any pics yet of the project, but you can look at other pics of other projects of mine at :slight_smile:

(You might as well subscribe to the feed, as I will be posting pics of MANOI and the SSC-32 :slight_smile: )