Arduino 5 Minute Tutorials: Lesson 7 - Accelerometers, Gyros, IMUs

For the ADXL345 chip, it seems to accept SPI and I2C communication. We suggest becoming familiar with I2C communication as part of the Arduino, which will also teach you what to connect where and the protocol.

This is a very useful tutorial! Thank you!
I would like to implement dead-reckoning on a mobile ground robot using a 3 axis accelerometer or a 3 axis gyroscope, with Arduino. What would you suggest? I am also looking for tutorials about coding the data and the algorithm.

A gyro is really only useful if your robot will rotate about its axes; an accelerometer is a better choice for land-based mobile robots. You might add some non-contact IR distance sensors. In terms of the code, it really is specific to your setup, although others may have posted code which you can adapt to your needs.

Can I directly connect 9DOF IMU Razor to the arduino without the FTDI breakout to get gyro and acel values??
If yes, how??
thanks in advance!!

An FTDI breakout simply converts USB to serial. Most Arduino boards already have this, so you only need to connect the serial pins to the Arduino’s serial pins. If you want to leave these free, consider softserial (has its own advantages / disadvantages). Choosing a sensor breakout board which does not have an onboard processor like the Razor will save you a bit of money and make connections easier.

do you have a code for detecting rot/decay in wood or trees using vibration sensor and arduino? i just need this things to create my project

How would you detect rot using vibration?

Hello, If i have tilt angles for X,Y,Z axis in ADXL335. How can i get back the raw adc values? Is it even possible? How exactly these tilt angles are useful?

I want to use the gyroscope to guide mobile robot for the same angle of the robot arm connected with the servo motor How do I do that?

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For technical support, we invite you to create a new topic on the RobotShop Forum:

i am going to build a humonoid robot like NAO(mostly same).what could be the IMU to be chosen??required ranges of the accelero and gyro sensors

Since a humanoid robot will likely not be traveling / moving fast, you only need a low ‘g’ accelerometer and a lot low rate gyro. The communication method and exact model are really up to you.

what is the function and connection of INT pin(interrupt pin in GY-521 IMU)?

@sameer For technical inquiries, it’s best to contact us via the RobotShop Forum.

i want to take input from camera which will track faces and pass its status to accelerometer, whch will then move 2 servos accordingly…can u help me?
servo - mg995
accelerometer - adxl335

@parshav It is best to contact us via the RobotShop Forum for design related questions.

how to interface gyro and bldc motors with arduino for Quadcopter & from where to get program for it

@Abhi For help with projects, it is best to create a new topic on the RobotShop forum:

I wnt to make my robo straight line.while using compas I got some time it Is showing different I would like to use MPU 6050 gyro…pls tell is it right option to make my robo straight???if it Is provide me arduino code for finding the rotation