Arduino 5 Minute Tutorials: Lesson 2 - Basic Code & Blink LED

Nice One (Y)

I read always that, to program an Arduino (Uno) there is a initialization sequence required.

If I program an ATMega328 on the DIP socket of the Arduino Uno board. I think that the initializtion sequence will be of the chip and that I may use the Atmega chip alone on a personal board. Is this correct?
Thank You.

@Jean Louis Genicot If you use the Arduino software, you don’t need to worry about any additional procedures - clicking “upload” takes care of everything. If you want to reprogram the ATMel chip, then you’ll need a separate programmer and unless you upload the Arduino firmware, won’t be able to use it like a normal Arduino.

if i want to use c++ language which micro controller can i use?

@vignesh Nothing immediately comes to mind, but you can explore here:

many thanks to you I just read the how to make the robot topic and you might even remember me.Now I’m here to learn how to code the robot:D

and what does a resistor do?


I have 2 need a very simple servo control program.

@Shamim Hasan If you are planning to use Arduino, you can use the built-in servo library.

If i want to transfer my matlab codes into an arduino board? is it possible?

How can i convert digital input to analog with arduino.Value at particular time is needed.

@rachelle We are currently not aware of any software which can do this, but you should still try searching online.

@Harpreet If you already havea 0-5V digital source, why not simply use one of the Arduino’s digital pins?

hi ,i am mithu.i am a small scienctic in bangladesh. i live inpoor family . now i don’t study. but i am researching continue . i want to be tomas alve .please u help me .if u help me , i will change the world.

What type of arduino we use for beginner?

@mithu At this time we do not offer products for free to general inquiries, but we do strive to have quality products available on and we understand pricing is very important.

@Firman The code used to program Arduino is pretty much the same. If you are new to robotics, you might prefer an Arduno board with some onboard functionality like buttons, LEDs and easy connections such as:

Great Information even a person with no hardware /software knowledge can become expert with the online help provided.

I want to learn all about arduino languages and projects. can any body co operate with me. My whats app is 009665328836792. thanks