I received this Arducam USB camera shield:
with this ov5642 camera:
I followed the steps for Streaming_demo (Python as well as Cpp):
All installations are successful, and compiling the Cpp demo was fine as well. But starting the demos (Python or CPP) errors out with thes messages:
pi@raspberrypi3B:~/ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield/RaspberryPi/Cpp/Streaming_demo $ sudo ./ArduCam_Demo ../../../cpp_config/AR0134_960p_Color.yml
device num:1
index: 0 Serial:AU2S-1908-0026
Serial: AU2S-1908-0026
capture thread create successfully.
read thread create successfully.
Capture began, rtn_val = 0
Error capture image, rtn_val = 65318
Error capture image, rtn_val = 65318
Error capture image, rtn_val = 65318
Error capture image, rtn_val = 65318
Error capture image, rtn_val = 65318
Error capture image, rtn_val = 65318
If I remove the USB cable, dmesg states “USB disconnect, device number 5”.
On reconnect of USB cable these messages appear for “dmesg” command:
[12187.589859] usb 1-1.2: USB disconnect, device number 5
[12246.760814] usb 1-1.2: new high-speed USB device number 6 using dwc_otg
[12247.191825] usb 1-1.2: language id specifier not provided by device, defaulting to English
[12247.193205] usb 1-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=52cb, idProduct=52cb
[12247.193217] usb 1-1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
What can be the problem? Is it possible that USB camera shield or ov5642 camera are defect?