Arcee - A Great Arduino SHR for Beginners

Hello, LMR. This is Arcee, an Arduino SHR that is perfect for beginners. 


Materials I Used :

1X μBotino V3 (Or any other Arduino/Clone of your choice)

2X GM9 (143 : 1 Gear Ratio) 

2X GM Wheels (Solarbotics type)

1X GP2Y0A21 IR Distance Sensor (5 - 80cm)

1X HX 5010 Servo

1X 4X AA Battery Holder



I'm assuming you have downloaded the Arduino IDE from here : (NOTE : I'm using the 0023  version for now). Now, first i tested my IR Sensor, you can go ahead and download the "IR Sensor" code above, connect your sensor as follows and run the code.

Red Wire -> Voltage (+ 5V)   Black/Brown -> Ground (- 0V)   Yellow/White -> Signal (Analog Pin 0) 

You should see values appearing on the Serial Monitor that change when you wave your hand infront of it. Note the way it changes as you move your hand closer or further.

Next, i spent some time writing code, you can go ahead and download the "ObAv_1" code above too, connect your motors and servos to the pins listed below and zap to your Duino. (NOTE : Motor -> Motor Driver -> Pins)

Left Motor Pin A -> Pin 5   Left Motor Pin B -> Pin 6   Right Motor Pin A -> Pin 4   Right Motor Pin B -> Pin 7   Servo -> Pin 12 

The SHR bot started working perfectly, moved exactly like the original SHR did. Then i took it up a notch and adapted some of Chris The Carpenter's code into mine and ended up with the "ObAv_2" code. You can go ahead and download that too, it your bot will move way different than the original SHR should. I will sweep left and right checking for obstacles and avoids them immediately. Videos of both methods are shown above.

Hope this Robot Page will help many beginner roboticists in the path of Arduino. :) Enjoy! 




Receives IR signals from a remote control to drive around and avoids obstacles.

  • Actuators / output devices: GM9 143:1 gear motor
  • Control method: Infra Red Remote Control and aut
  • CPU: Ubotino Controller V3 (Arduino)
  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP
  • Power source: 4.8v Batteries
  • Programming language: Arduino C
  • Sensors / input devices: IR Receiver (38khz), Frits/AmandaLDR
  • Target environment: Enclosed enviroment / Dark enviroment.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Lemons and lemonaide come to mind.

Very nicely done. Even improv is a good thing. :slight_smile:

Looks great! Now make the

Looks great! Now make the Dual IR Proximity sensor, I added the schematics on the tutorial page here:

totally cool mate, like it

totally cool mate, like it very much, etsi a video can do better!


Thank you!

Thnx so much for all the good feedback.


Thank you!!!

I just wanna say thnx for all the nice comments. I do wanna mention that I want to make this thing a development bot so I guess this baby will never be complete… someday, maybe…


Is that a good wtf and omg or otherwise…?

just walk pass by,again…

just walk pass by,again… that looks cool,no… it’s smashing!

I’ve saw it live

Ok, that’s a start. Your

Ok, that’s a start. Your idea to make this to a development bot is good, i have one too…it helps to test code or sensors or anything very quickly since its already running and just need to be modified for the task.

Hope you get your broken component back soon.

Well done

well done Aaron looking forward to its next reincarnation 

Looking good! Let’s see it

Looking good! Let’s see it in action!

BTW, the correct name for my controller is not Ubotino, but µBotino (micro-Botino).




EDIT : I uploaded a new piece of code because the old one is full of errors. The robot only avoids by turning left, never right. So i’ve uploaded a new code by peering closely at Ctc’s code. Best part is the new code is much more smaller that the old one. So ther ya go, the new code has been debugged, rechecked several times, and is now, perfect. Plz comment here for any suggestions or if you find any errors in my code.

Thnx for reading this important message, Cya!


Done, I didn’t know how to produce that letter so I just copied and pasted what you had typed out above. /</p>
