
Ar-Du is finally finished.


The block diagram:

Digital I/O PINs:
Pin0 (Rx) : BT module Tx Pin
Pin1 (Tx) : BT module Rx Pin
Pin2 : NewSoftSerial Rx – JPEG camera Tx
Pin3 : NewSoftSerial Tx – JPEG camera Rx
Pin4 : Motor1 diredtion select 
Pin5 : Motor1 speed (PWM) 
Pin6 : Motor2 speed (PWM)
Pin7 : Motor2 diredtion select
Pin8 : Sound Module
Pin9 : Head rotating servo
Pin10 : Blue LED
Pin11 : Red LED
Pin12 : Ultrasound module – Trigger pin
Pin13 : Ultrasound module – Echo pin

Analog PINs:
Analog0 : –
Analog1 : –
Analog2 : –
Analog3 : –
Analog4 : –
Analog5 : –


The main components include the following:

- First I wanted to use an Arduino board, but it could not fit into Ar-Du. Than I changed the to a much smaller RBBB board.

- a BlueSmirf Bluetooth module

- a LinkSprite serial camera

- a DC motor controller board (based on a L293D and a hex inverter IC)

The Motor controller assembled on a proto board:

- a Sound Module based on an ISD 1730 IC (this circuit is for playback only to reduce space, otherwise it would not fit into Ar-Du).

The first version of the Sound module was assembled on an Arduino protoshield, but it was too large to fit into the robot. The second version is much smaller...


I have created a sound sample on 

To record the sound sample, temporarly I have assembled the following circuit on a breadboard (source: ISD1700 datasheet):


- a HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor

- a hobby microservo

 - a Blue and a Red LED

This is how it looks like fully assembled:


Here is a sample picture of the control interface:


I have attached the Arduino and the Processing codes.

Bluetooth remote controlled robot capable of taking pictures

  • Actuators / output devices: solarbotics gear motors
  • Control method: Bluetooth remote controlled
  • CPU: Arduino Duemilanove
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Power source: 6 AA batteries
  • Programming language: Arduino, Processing
  • Sensors / input devices: HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, LinkSprite serial camera
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


The nerdy fanboy side of me just died a little from pure joy :slight_smile: Very nice work!

**handcrafted **

Very nice handcrafted robot body. Neat details and the HC-SR04 is for once vertical and embedded. Collected!

This robot will get +10

This robot will get +10 points :wink: Oh i love this little guy since first sight.

body components

The robot is 19 cm tall (approx. 8 inch). The body is made of PVC pipe joints, the head is made of some black spherical plastis, which I found in the local hardware store. I found on the net a PDF file about how to make a paper R2D2 . I have printed out on an A3 size paper, cut it out and glued on the PVC pipe.

Good looking robot and

Good looking robot and nicely documented.

I was curious about your hex inverter.

After I saw what you were using it for I wondered why you didn’t just use a pair of transistors and 4 resistors like this:


Another image with more information regarding the resistor values:


Hex inverter

My knowledge in analog electronics is limited, so I prefer to use digital components (and I did not have transistors, only a hex inverter when I made the circuit). 


Please don’t mistake my suggestion for knowledge. :slight_smile:

I have seen the diagram and thought I would share. I kinda figured the inverter was used due to you having it. And, while I am at it, very nice robot and documentation.

Very nice

It looks really good, maybe the next version will be bigger ?


Cool bot !

Nice one! There are not

Nice one! There are not enough R2 units on this website :wink:

Is there any update in this

Is there any update in this project? 

Sorry about the long wait,

Sorry about the long wait, but I do not have much time to continue the building of Ar-Du. There is some slow progress anyway…

Hopefully I can do some update of the project on  the weekend.

Ok, fair enough :slight_smile: I also

Ok, fair enough :slight_smile: I also have less time as I wish to have…hopefully you will find some this weekend o/

Camera use.

Very nice robot!!!

How you are planning to use the camera (live streaming, capturing photos or video)?  

LinkSprite camera

The camera I have used is a LinkSprite serial jpg camera. It sends the captured jpg image to the Processing progam via the bluetooth module. It takes 4 - 5 seconds to send a 320x200 image (with the default 38400 baud/s serial camera speed), so live streaming is out of question. It can only capture images…

Sound module

FYI: from the net, you can get an ISD1730 or ISD1820 based voice record/play module for around 10$.

WOW, Great, Awesome ! You

WOW, Great, Awesome ! You transfer video from camera via bluetooth?

The robot can only capture

The robot can only capture images and sends them to the PC via Bluetooth. (It takes 4 - 5 seconds to send a 320x200 image.)