
Posted on 04/03/2012 by fizikus
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Ar-Du is finally finished.   The block diagram: Digital I/O PINs:Pin0 (Rx) : BT module Tx PinPin1 (Tx) : BT module Rx PinPin2 : NewSoftSerial Rx – JPEG camera TxPin3 : NewSoftSerial Tx – JPEG camera RxPin4 : Motor1 diredtion select Pin5 : Motor1 speed (PWM) Pin6 : Motor2 speed (PWM)Pin7 : Motor2 diredtion selectPin8 : Sound ModulePin9 : Head rotating servoPin10 : Blue LEDPin11 : Red LEDPin12 : Ultrasound module – Trigger pinPin13 : Ultrasound module – Echo pin Analog PINs:Analog0 ...


Ar-Du is finally finished.


The block diagram:

Digital I/O PINs:
Pin0 (Rx) : BT module Tx Pin
Pin1 (Tx) : BT module Rx Pin
Pin2 : NewSoftSerial Rx – JPEG camera Tx
Pin3 : NewSoftSerial Tx – JPEG camera Rx
Pin4 : Motor1 diredtion select 
Pin5 : Motor1 speed (PWM) 
Pin6 : Motor2 speed (PWM)
Pin7 : Motor2 diredtion select
Pin8 : Sound Module
Pin9 : Head rotating servo
Pin10 : Blue LED
Pin11 : Red LED
Pin12 : Ultrasound module – Trigger pin
Pin13 : Ultrasound module – Echo pin

Analog PINs:
Analog0 : –
Analog1 : –
Analog2 : –
Analog3 : –
Analog4 : –
Analog5 : –


The main components include the following:

- First I wanted to use an Arduino board, but it could not fit into Ar-Du. Than I changed the to a much smaller RBBB board.

- a BlueSmirf Bluetooth module

- a LinkSprite serial camera

- a DC motor controller board (based on a L293D and a hex inverter IC)

The Motor controller assembled on a proto board:

- a Sound Module based on an ISD 1730 IC (this circuit is for playback only to reduce space, otherwise it would not fit into Ar-Du).

The first version of the Sound module was assembled on an Arduino protoshield, but it was too large to fit into the robot. The second version is much smaller...


I have created a sound sample on 

To record the sound sample, temporarly I have assembled the following circuit on a breadboard (source: ISD1700 datasheet):


- a HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor

- a hobby microservo

 - a Blue and a Red LED

This is how it looks like fully assembled:


Here is a sample picture of the control interface:


I have attached the Arduino and the Processing codes.

Bluetooth remote controlled robot capable of taking pictures

  • Actuators / output devices: solarbotics gear motors
  • Control method: Bluetooth remote controlled
  • CPU: Arduino Duemilanove
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Power source: 6 AA batteries
  • Programming language: Arduino, Processing
  • Sensors / input devices: HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, LinkSprite serial camera
  • Target environment: indoors
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