APOD Legs Hit While Turning


I have my Apod hexapod working with the Phoenix 3Dof walking code from the Lynxmotion github. It walks great moving forward, backwards, and side to side however when the robot tries to turn the legs hit. The middle legs will hit no matter which way I try to turn. I tried to modify the max/min Hex_cfg parameters of the yaw servo motors so the leg wouldn’t move as far, but I didn’t see any results in the walking gait and the legs still hit each other while turning. Am I changing the correct variables or do I have to change a different set of variables in order to prevent the middle legs from hitting the front and back legs? Please Help!

Never mind. I fixed the issue by limiting the maximum controller turn input to the system from (0-255) to (50-200) in the ps2 controller code. I didn’t want to mess with the overall velocities.