Apod COVER.....italian design

really thanx!.
I like so much Ur works also…I follow Ur projects :wink:
I use Cycles enjyne render ( in blender ) but I’m not so expert.and U?

black semi-trasparent one version

Now that, I like! :smiley:

:wink: cool.

I use a combination of tools, but yes i also use Blender. Currently on v2.66a, but i do not use the Cycles Render Engine. I Stick to the normal Render Engine for works like this. Cycles offers some really nice features but only really handy for certain renders. Its a great engine 'don’t get me wrong… i wish i used it more, but unfortunately my PC is not very well and cycles is sometimes a bit to much for it to handle.

Have those parts been Rigged or just posed?

Look forward to seeing more of your work. :wink:

I rigged all parts,but ,as U know,it’s indispensable a powerfull pc for to move all complex parts like in this work…specially for renders.

Other works?!:-)…soon…Now I’m working on same ‘concepts design’ …
I’d like to have a website about this works but I don’t know if peple are interested to this type of products…

Im sure there will be an interest in what ever it is.

Ahah…I hope:-)…I do my best…
Putting all parts in one big file i have a volume of 391 cm"’ and an area of 6601cm’’

Tightly stacked?

No jonny,
For to check the entire volume I leaved all parts in a ‘rest position’ cause I was thinking that program calculates the volume and area whatever was the position of single part, isn’t it?

First you may need to think about orientation.
Setting the parts orientation is vital in making sure it doesnt show many print layers. Also its worth noting that if you stack similar parts with different orientation then they will have a slightly different finish to them.

Just set all the parts out like they would be in laying on a table. Then duplicate each part ‘but dont change orientation’ then stack them upwards.

Thanx Jonny,
I’ll follow Ur tips,for sure U have more experience about 3d printing :wink:!
Also U have good desigh skills about mechanical parts …I have to learn more

happy to help.

Both your “Phoenix and Apod” shell designs are very cool. And i would certainly buy from you if i had either or. :wink:

I have been meaning to make a shell designs for the SES but you have done wonders with it. I think ill continue to wait and see what you come up with next. :wink:

PM sent.

This is incredible.

Was this ever available to purchase?

If not were the drawings ever available to print ourselves.

This makes the A-Pod look so awesome…reminds me of pitch black.

any help would be greatly appreciated


Really thanx Anthony,
Happy to know that U like it!
As U’ll can see on this forum, I’ve made a ‘shell’ for each lynxmotion’s robot but since I didn’t find a partnership for to produce them I’ m planning / organizing for produce / sell them myself.

I’ll try to improve the design :wink:.
