Apoca-bot is to solar powered robot designed to preserve itself and carry around a plant! The two LDRs are used to allow it to guide itself to a source of light for charging.
As of 4/13/13, I am working on electronics for the solar panel. I am also working on a better program that includes the SLEEP/NAP commands, which put the robot to sleep for a set amount of time, reducing the power usage of the basic stamp 2 to just 25 microamps.
Eat light and carry a plant
- Actuators / output devices: 2 servos
- CPU: Basic Stamp 2
- Operating system: windows XP
- Power source: 6v rechargable batteries and solar panel
- Programming language: pbasic
- Sensors / input devices: 2 LDRs
- Target environment: bright, not so rugged area
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/apoca-bot