Any schematic design for brainless/no PIC/no microcontroller. avoiding obstacle robot?

i need it for my project…

ser can i use dis
ser can i use dis schematic???

IR Range Rover.png

Do you know how it works?
Do you know how it works?

im not sure if its really a
im not sure if its really a avoiding obstacle IR robot

The upper part of the

The upper part of the schematic is a circuit for a light seeking robot.

The bottom part is a reversing circuit, which kicks in when an object is in range, as detected by the IR distance sensor. The robot reverses one motor only (the other stops), so it reverses and turns at the same time.

There appears to be an error in the ‘HLO comparator’ section of the upper circuit.

Keep looking for a simpler circuit.

whats a HLO comparator?
whats a HLO comparator?

so dis one is a light
so dis one is a light seeking robot mainly?? not a obstacle avoiding?? im so confused… because it use only 1 sensor… :frowning:

Robot Book Suggestion
This book ( does an excellent job of explaining how to make the robot that you want. About half of the book is about machining with a milling machine, but the other half is about the electronics and describes how to make a brainless obstacle avoiding robot. The book is very readable, but you may want to start with the beginner’s volume of the book ( if you don’t have any previous electronics experience.

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** guyz how about this**


guyz how about this one???


it tells its a range rover.. can u tell me how this works??


(confused) (.") is this a obstacle avoiding or a light chaser?? or both? whew

It’s very similar to the

It’s very similar to the first circuit you posted. It chases the light and backs up when it detects an object via the 40kHz IR detector.

You don’t need this level of complexity.

You just need a simple circuit that drives two motors forward until an obstacle is detected, then takes some sort of evasive motion, like reversing a motor before driving forward again.

Maybe, find a simple circuit that uses bump switches, and replace the bump switches with IR detectors if that is what you need.

How long have you got before your deadline?

hmmm. til 1st week of march
hmmm. til 1st week of march sir, sir do you have any IM??

** how about this 1? ill**



how about this 1? ill change the bump switch into this comparator? can u help me?

That is more like what you

That is more like what you want.

What sort of motors do you have? Have you got any components yet? We may be able to make something with parts you have already.

Is this for a small robot, like one that will run around on a tabletop, or must it be able to go on the floor, cope with carpets or whatever?

Please give me some idea of what you have in mind.

Also, what knowledge of electronics do you have? I don’t want to explain things that you already know.

I do not have a lot of time, but I am happy to help you if and when I can.

And, please don’t call me sir. :slight_smile:

i will be using the twin

i will be using the twin gear motor which u can buy in tamiya…



im thinking if i can use this circuit as a sensors… see the link

Been very busy with work and
Been very busy with work and stuff. I will post a part schematic later today.

thanks a lot… you’re a big
thanks a lot… you’re a big help…

dude, i suggest this

dude, i suggest this schematic than the 1st 1

Simple Bot.png



Apologies for the delay. As

Apologies for the delay. As soon as I said I would help all these tasks raised their ugly heads, and apparently I’m the only person in the universe who can deal with them! (No pay rise, though … )

This is just a simple sensor arrangement which will cause the motor to which it is attached to reverse for a certain amount of time. This time is set by R3 and C1.

R1 feeds D1 which is an IR LED. You may wish to lower the value of R1 to increase the range. These are, obviously, used to trigger Q1, the phototransistor, when IR light hits an obstacle.

The phototransistor will have to be shielded from ambient, and stray IR, light. Under the corner of the 'bot sounds good.

Set potentionmeter, P1, so that the output of U1, the LM393, is high. Adjust the pot until the output goes low, then readjust until it just goes high again.

When an obstacle is detected the voltage at the junction of Q1 and R2 will decrease. When it falls below the voltage at the inverting input of the LM393 (pin 2), the output will go low, and reverse the motor. When the output goes low it will charge C1. The motor will continue to reverse until C1 discharges.


Maybe breadboard the circuit and see how it goes for you.

You may, of course, want to use a 38kHz detector, but that would be a bit more work.

Any questions, please ask. Should I be a bit tardy with answers, others here may help.

If anyone has any improvements to offer, please feel free to have at it!


Hey, cool, now I’m a dude.
Hey, cool, now I’m a dude. Whatever … Still have to do the switcheroo on the contacts to reverse a motor.

haha. sorry. i should call

haha. sorry. i should call you jo then.


just to confirm i will use the the 9,8 and 11,10 pin of UC2 for the second motor h brigde input 1 and 2… RIGHT??


we’re very thankful to you joC…


dont know how to pay you for helping me and my groupmates… maybe almost all of my classmates…